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jisung was a working student who worked as a babysitter.


I was just sitting at a park bench because I was taking a break from walking since I had to walk back home.

then a little cute kid sat beside me and she looked so cute I immediately got baby fever but didn't want to show it.

I side eyed the kid and saw that she was looking directly at me with her eyes sparkling.

then her tiny hand tugged on the sleeve and I turned around to face the cute little kid.

"hello oppa..."

my eyes sparkled.

"hi kiddo"

she smiled.

'oh my fucking gosh I might die from cuteness overload!!' I thought.

"I'm jeongji!" she said

"what's your name oppa?" she said looking really curious.

"my name is han jisung" I said and smiled.

"han- han..huh?" she said.

"you can just call me anything" I said softly.

"how about....." she said while pouting and brought a finger to her chin, looking like she was thinking of something.

"squirrely" she said quietly.

"yes! squirrely!" she smiled.

"ok then, I'm squirrely!" I smiled.

"and you can call me, jiji!" jeongji said.

"ok jiji!" I smiled.

"how old are you oppa?" she asked.

"I'm 18! why?" I asked.

"wahh, you're younger then appa!" she exclaimed.

"hm? why how old is your appa?" I asked.

"I think....19?" she said.

"eh?! your appa is 19?!" I asked, shocked.

"yeah!" she said.

"wow... your appa is really young.." I said.

"yeah, but you're younger!" she said.

"yeah, you're correct..."  I said

"say jiji, how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 3!" she said smiling.

"your appa had you when he was 16?!" my eyes widened.

"nope, he said he had me when he was 17!"
she corrected.

"eh? I don't get it-" I was cutted off.

"JEONJI?!" a man shouted.

jeongji waved her hand repeatedly.

"APPA! HERE!" she shouted back.

the man ran to her and he crouched down and hugged her.

"JIJI! I told you to not go outside without me!" the man scolded.

"squirrely! appa is screaming at me!" she said and went to me, hugging my arms.

the man looked at me and we made eye contact.

"who are you?" the man asked.

"my name is-"

"he's squirrely appa!" jeongji said.

"squirrely? is that really your name?" the man asked.

"no sir, it's han jisung" I said.

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