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felix was playing online with his friends and suddenly someone busted in his room.

well of course it was his boyfriend, jisung.

felix glanced at jisung seeing that jisung was laying down on his bed, and on his phone.

after a few hours of laying down on the bed jisung got bored and stood up from the bed and walked over to felix.

he bended his body so his chin was on Felix's shoulder.

jisung turned his head and gave felix a peck on the cheek.

felix then kinda pushed jisung a little bit the have more space, and this made jisung sulk.

so jisung just sat on the bed with his arms crossed over his chest.

he huffed and stood up and grabbed his phone then left.

he went to his room and just placed his phone down and went under the covers.


after a few more games felix said his goodbyes to his friends and left the game turned off his pc and stretched.

he turned around and didn't see jisung so he went to jisung's room and saw that jisung was sleeping.

so felix went under the covers with jisung and spooned jisung burying his head on jisung's neck and slept.

after hours of sleeping jisung woke up and saw felix had joined him.

so jisung sat up still sulking and stood up leaving felix on the bed alone.

he walked downstairs and to the kitchen, he took some cup noodles from the cabinet above and poured hot water and waited for it to cook completely.

after it cooked he placed it on the table and grabbed some chopsticks and ate.


he woke up from his sleep and opened his eyes to see no one by his side.

so he stood up and went downstairs to the kitchen and looked around to see jisung on the table eating some noodles.

he went to jisung and wrapped his arms around jisung's waist.

"morning baby.." felix said in his deep voice.

but to his surprise jisung tried to take Felix's arms off of him.

felix got worried and confused.

but felix didn't let go.

"baby, what's wrong hm?" felix asked.

"let me go felix.." jisung replied.

'felix?! I thought I was lixxie?!' felix thought.

when jisung stood up and throw away his cup, felix got annoyed and pinned jisung against the wall of the living room.

"baby, what's wrong? you better answer me" felix threatened.

jisung's breathing got heavy and he shook his head and looked to the side.


"answer. my. fucking. question."

"what's wrong."

jisung shook his head again.

felix got fed up and grabbed jisung's jaw and made him look at him.


"why can't you just spend time with me?! you spend more time with your friends!" jisung shouted.

jisung began to cry.


"look, I know you guys don't see each other often, but can't you just spare time for me?!"


"you're always playing with them! and not even spend time with me..." jisung sobbed.

jisung broke down and started to wipe his eyes with his hoodie paws, but more tears began to form, and fall.

"jisung.." felix whispered.

felix then hugged jisung and jisung didn't let go.

jisung cried on Felix's shoulder.

"baby.. I'm sorry.." felix said.

jisung began to shake from crying too much.

"hey, hey, baby calm down.."

felix then sat both of them to the couch and made jisung sit on his lap, still crying.

after a few more minutes of crying, jisung finally calmed down.

"baby?..." felix started.

jisung hummed.

"are you tired?.." felix asked.

jisung shook his head.

"wanna take a shower?.." felix asked.

jisung nodded.

"ok then, let's go" felix said.

felix carried jisung to the bathroom and stripped him and himself.

they sat in the tub while felix massaged jisung's head.

"feel's good?"

jisung nodded.

after they finished felix wrapped jisung in a towel, and himself.

felix led jisung to his room and dressed him up, and of course himself too.

"hm? are we going somewhere?" jisung questioned.

"yep, we're going to your favorite cafe, then the amusement park then at the mall and back home.." felix softly said.

"I love you lixxie.." jisung said.

"I love you too my baby" felix said and kissed jisung.


lesson learned: spare time with your live one's while they're still there <3

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