12) Ilay's obsessed stalker

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I pulled back and opened my eyes.
A stunned expression was what was stuck on Ilay's face. What had he said before I kissed him? That he didn't what...? I had missed his statement when I bravely gave him that kiss. His eyes widened. And as more light infiltrated their usually guarded pupils, a war began between dilation and contraction.

If I was being honest, my heart smiled at such a cute reaction coming from a cold-blooded murderer.

Before he could recollect his normal psycho demeanor, I grabbed my bag and shot from the other side of the bench, leaving Ilay to his delusional world. My notebook didn't matter as much as my neck did. His offering me a chance to flee and be free for a whole week was something I didn't take for granted.


Hailey drew me in a suffocating embrace as we stood outside the hall amongst other students from our class. The murmurs going around were crazy, but I'd rather have them believe that something serious and involving the law was going on than any of them know I was the reason the class was dismissed. Some had grabbed the chance and fled the premises while the rest had chosen to stay just so they could see Ilay leave the hall.

Eyes were boring through me from every direction, hiding not their curiosity or suspicions. After all, I was the person who brought Ilay along.

"I was so scared back there. I didn't even see you. Where were-"

"Hail-" I wheezed struggling for air.
How could her embrace be so firm while her body was even smaller than mine?

"Oh, sorry... Kally?"
The serious flicker in her eyes as she began to speak, "Is he..." Hailey leaned closer to my face. "Is that man dangerous? I don't know why but I was overwhelmed by immense fear when I confronted him."

My mouth opened to say something, but words froze when the devil we were talking about stepped out nestled in between his guards. The murmurs suddenly spiked as dreamy gazes from the girls were cast his way.
But Ilay simply walked past us as if our existence was like the air around him, unseen. I was glad he didn't search for my eyes with his, yet a little disappointed he didn't. For a moment, I wanted them to envy me. Ah, shit! Was his odd mentality starting to infect me?

"Kally? Tell me. Is he...threatening you?"

"What? Why would you even ask that?"

She glanced his way. "I don't know. He was staring at you creepily in class. Like the way a predator watches its prey."

Dang! How precise could she be? I was exactly what she thought, Ilay's prey that he had been playing with as he pleased. All the free porn he had offered me would have scarred someone else. Every inch of his body was engraved in the back of my mind and not once, did he ever shy from letting me see him naked.
He actually enjoyed being watched. Pervert.

"...go after class?"


"I asked if you want to hang out after class. I haven't seen you in a long time."

"Oh! Um..." I stopped to ponder when it suddenly hit me. "Um, Hailey?"

We had started walking towards the cafeteria building, Ilay now a distant memory. She shielded me from the pairs of hungry eyes and engaged me in a conversation to keep me occupied. What a lovely human.

"The thing is...I may need that painting back."

Hailey halted, a small frown masking her face. "But why? Didn't you say you don't like it?"

I laugh nervously while scratching my temple gently, trying to come up with a believable lie. No way I was going to blurt out that the person who had funded the house and everything in it almost choked me to death, or that the piece of art cost more money than I had ever seen.

"Um...it doesn't matter. But I really need it back. I will be in your debt Hailey. I promise someday in the future I'll find you a better-"

She sighed lightening the tension. "It's fine. But I'll keep that debt in mind." Her smile settled the fireflies that had been burning my chest.
Thoughtlessly, I threw my arms around her for a warm light embrace. "You're the best human I've ever met. Thank you so much."

"Don't worry. I have lots of opportunities to take away better things from you in the future," she said patting my back gently.
"Well now, looks like we'll start with some cake. I'm feeling kinda down now that I have to return that gorgeous artwork."

I giggled pulling back to smile at her. "I'll buy you anything you want to eat for the entire day."
Of course, I could afford meals with the savings I had in my account now that I didn't have to pay rent.

~~~Hours earlier~~~

With a broad smile stuck on her face, Hailey ran around, room to room, touching and appreciating the fine things in sight. Kally could hardly keep up and chose to wait in the hallway on her phone, occasionally answering Hailey's questions.

"So this is the kind of lifestyle he can offer?" Hailey murmured to herself as she dragged her fingers along the shinny desk in the third bedroom which had been converted into a study room. She paused in front of the computer, immediately recognizing it as the latest version which was yet to be released in the market. She knew this much because her father was a computer genius and had been involved in its production. Yet even he couldn't afford to buy one before its release.

Through his usual bragging, she had come to know of Ilay Konstantinovich Volkov six years ago when he brought her to dinner with him. She was only thirteen at that time, yet, ever since that night, she had fallen dangerously in love with him.
But no matter how much she tried to reach out to him, she never got an answer. Even her father couldn't be of help to her.

But, that was before she became aware of the Ilay's secret marriage.
Came to know of the little bratty sister of the woman who had snatched her 'soulmate' from her.

"Do you like it?" Kally asked noting how deeply Hailey was staring at the single painting on the wall she was facing.

Kally had found it disturbing. A black swan engulfed in bloody flames, while shadows seemed to dance around it.
Hailey grinned inside wondering if Kally even knew its worth.
With a small plastic smile, Hailey answered excitedly, "Of course. It's so beautiful."

Kally gave her a doubtful stare. "Beautiful? That painting is- ah, never mind. I find it ugly and disgusting. If you like, you can have it."

"Really?" Hailey squeaked, her eyes widening with merry amongst other scornful feelings.
In a minute, they had taken down the painting and Hailey left. She didn't want to linger around such a stupid person. "Does she realize how rare it is for Ilay to buy something in person?" Hailey mumbled rushing towards the elevator, the painting pressed on her chest delicately like a baby. "I used my monthly savings to enter the auction he bought this damned thing and she just gives it away like it's nothing."

After pressing the down button, Hailey waited in the silence yet her mind was full of scolding directed at Kally. She questioned whether their relationship was just a simple one. Questioned why Kally had vanished for over a month without a trace only to resurface with Ilay's support.

As the door opened, her mind was still lost in her world, and failed to recognize the tall man walking out of the elevator in the company of another. It only hit her seconds later which was too many seconds late.
She spun around, her breathing gone and her heart in the blink of an explosion.

The painting slipped from her arms, hitting the toes of her feet painfully. "Ilay?" She whispered weakly, her mind in disbelief that he was here in person. Cursing herself for missing such a rare opportunity.

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