A book doesn't solve everything!!! - Huey and Louie!!

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Scrooge, Webby and the triplets were on another adventure again!

But they needed to split up. Huey and Louie were in together.

They found a clue to the treasure. But it was written in an a language that nobody knows.

"Great! we came all this way here for nothing." Louie said as he rolled his eyes.

Huey was looking at his JWB for answers.

"Are you really gonna use that book again????" Louie groaned.

"The JWB has the answer to everything!" Huey said as he flipped through more pages.

"This is a language known to NO ONE! How the hell is the book gonna solve it?!" Louie groaned again.

"This 'Book' is gonna help us! If there is a page about it." Huey flipped through more pages.

A few hours have pass and Huey still hasn't found anything about the language.

"It has to be in here somewhere!!!!" Huey said as he flipped the previous pages.

"Huey, let's just call uncle Scrooge. Or Webby! Maybe they'll know!!" Louie said as he got his phone out.

"NO! IT HAS TO BE IN HERE!!! THE JWB HAS EVERYTHING!" Huey said as he flipped the pages aggressively.

"A book doesn't solve everything! You gotta let it go! (Let it go~ Let it goooo~)" 




He then called uncle scrooge. Lucky for them, Webby knows the language so they found the treasure! (Yay!!)


Very short one shot 😀

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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