Art of Creation

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"I think right here will do" Arthur said as he raises his hand and a big rock shoots up out of the ocean. Arthur than began to use his creation rune to the max and the rock around him began to grow bigger and wider.


After Arthur left Everyone started heading back except Tessia, Sylvie and Alea."Hey Tessia, are you feeling ok?" Alea said as she examined Tessia."Yea its just he'll be gone for a month, ever since we've gotten back together I didn't want to leave his side, It didn't matter where he went to." Tessia said as she had a sad look on her face.

"Hey Tessia, I'm gonna ask a serious question." Alea said as Tessia turned to her."Did you do it?" Alea said seriously."Umm er, what are you talking about?" Tessia said blushing."You know what I'm talking about Tessia." Alea said as she put her hand on Tessia's lower stomach."H-hey what are you doing?" Tessia asked still embarrassed  by her question."I'm checking something." Alea said as she gasped after removing her hand."What is it? Am I ok?" Tessia asked out of concern."Nothing just reminded me of my time in the dungeon some memories came up. That's all I promise." Alea said as she, Sylvie and Tessia start moving back to the academy.

'Shit she's pregnant!! Do I tell her, or do I tell Virion first. I think I'll leave it as a surprise. I'm gonna be an aunt. WEEE' Alea said mentally as she had a big smile on her face."Hey Alea, now that I've got Sylvie here why don't you go and rest, the stuff Arthur said must have hit you hard." Tessia said as she picked up Sylvie."I'm fine Tessia, what Arthur said to me was just a bit of a surprise that's all. If he didn't call for all the lances I'm afraid I would have died in that dungeon he was talking about."Alea said."Well if you need a break you don't have to be here with me." Tessia said looking concerned for the elf lance.

"Yea I know but Arthur said to watch you and keep the noble's away from you." Alea said half teasingly."Yes I know what he said. But your mental health along with your physical health is important to Arthur as well." Tessia said as she looks towards Alea with a bright smile."Well ok, but sylvie protect Tessia." Alea said as she leaned down to whisper something in Sylvie's ear. After she leaned back up Sylvie looked excited."Well I guess I'll be going now, take care Tessia." Alea said as she walked off."I will."Tessia said as she and Sylvie began to head back to the academy.


Alea started heading towards the Director's office to check if Virion was there. Alea knocked on the door and heard a voice."Come in." The director said as she stopped her conversation with Virion."Commander Virion, I got some important news I'd thought you'd like to here." Alea said with a small smile on her face."What is it Lance Alea?" Virion said as he looks at her confused."Well fist before I say anything Director could you put up a sound barrier please." Alea asked the Director which made the Director confused but she put up a sound barrier."So first, this must stay secret, because not even Tessia knows it yet."Alea said as she looks a Virion."Ok, tell me, what does she not know yet?" Virion said as he raises his brow."Tessia is pregnant. This must stay secret until Arthur comes back, I know how much you wanna beat him with a cactus right now." Alea said as she slowly started backing off from the black air around Virion."Ohhh boy, I'm going to have a field day with that brat when he gets back." Virion said with an evil smile.


Arthur was sitting in the middle of a massive island silently focusing, when he felt a shiver up his spine he almost lost all focus.'Focus,focus Arthur.' Arthur said mentally trying to focus.

The island he was sitting in the middle of was already around a couple hundred miles wide, with a bunch of trees and a giant forest in the Northeast of the Island. On the South of the Island was a giant stone fortress and in between south and northeastern of the island was a castle that had a giant wall around it. On the West side of the island was another forest, there was animals in the forest along with mountains as high as the sky.

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