Chapter 9 ~ enchanting ~

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When Niran woke up he found a cuddly bundle in his arms and inhaled the scent of jasmine body wash and shampoo, he couldn't prevent his body from reacting so he needed to get out of this bed fast.

When he tried to pull his arm from beneath the sleeping young man, Anurak whimpered in protest and clutched onto the arm that he was laid on then to add insult to injury he shuffled beneath the comforter and turned to face Niran.

He pressed both hands up against Niran's bare chest and threw a leg across his thigh ... maybe inviting Anurak into his bed had been a bad idea after all, how could he be expected to resist the temptation that was before him.

He tried once more to extricate himself from the sweet smelling person who made him throb with desire, a person whose leg tightened around his thigh while growling crossly like an angry puppy having his favorite toy taken away.

Niran ached to slide his fingers down the back of Anurak's shorts and pull him forwards so that he could grind against him, his groin was so close that Niran could feel the heat, he had to get up and ...

"mmm morning" Anurak yawned whilst looking up at Niran, ignorant of the effect he was having on his bed mate.

"morning angel, I'm sorry to disturb you but I need to get up" Niran said.

"I'm not stopping you ..." Anurak said until he realised his leg was thrown over the other man.

"oh gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't realise" Rak said lifting his leg and pulling it back.

Niran instantly missed the warmth and wanted to pull him back but sanity prevailed, even so, he couldn't help looking down at the man in his bed with longing.

"I'll just, ... I'll go and start coffee" Niran said jumping out of bed quickly before popping into the bathroom to relieve himself.

Anurak curled up in the bed and blushed as he remembered waking up with his hands against Niran's chest, it was firm and muscular and yet soft to the touch, he had wanted to press his lips against the warm flesh.

He forced himself to get up and go back to the guest bedroom where he showered and dressed and by the time he emerged, Niran had made coffee and taken his upstairs to work out. Anurak didn't know where to go so he sat on a stool in the kitchen until Niran looked down and saw him.

"aren't you coming up?"

"I didn't want to disturb you"

"you won't disturb me angel, come on up and we can talk" Niran said before doing a few stretches.

Anurak went up to the higher level and walked across to stand by the window and enjoy the view.

"how's your back this morning?" Niran asked him.

"it feels a lot better, thank you" Rak replied.

"may I take a look?" Niran asked.

"sure" Anurak said walking across to Niran who was sitting on a bench by some weights.

He turned around and pulled up his sweater so that Niran could see then he felt fingers gently sweeping across his lower back,

"any pain when I touch it?" Niran asked.

"no but if you pressed on it would probably hurt" Anurak said.

"anyway it's looking good, the bruise is coming out now so ..."

"good, so what are you doing right now then?" Anurak asked him.

"touching your back" Niran laughed.

"haha very funny, I mean afterwards" Rak said.

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