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"Wake up, your highness. You've been sleeping in so much as of lately..." Adelaide ushered, ruffling the bedsheets where she lay. It's true, she'd been sleeping in a lot due to the secret rendezvous that she'd been having with a certain cowboy than lengthened into the night. But was she about to stop? No way. By now, she'd fallen a little bit too hard into the way her name rolls off his tongue or the way he's always there to protect her. She was stupid in love.

"It's... only.." she checked the clock that sat beside her with a slight groan, "it's only 10am. That's not late." She slapped herself in the face as a self proclaimed wake up call. "Besides, can I not have a lie in once in a while? Jesus lord."


"Sorry. I'm tired."

"I'm aware."

An uncomfortable silence washed over the room, the maids demeanour changing rapidly with a subtle clear of the throat. "So um... that boothill—"

"What about him."

"is there something... aha, special, going on there?" Adelaide sat down, crossing her legs with a chuckle that suggested she knew more than she let on. "Surely someone as... regal as you shouldn't stoop so low."

"What are you getting at here? There's absolutely nothing wrong with him, or me, or us." She propped herself up using her elbows with a slight look of disgust. Her esteemed maid, yet she was blatantly siding with her parents.

She never liked her parents views. She also wasn't close with her parents. It almost felt like she was some device of exploitation for them to advertise, and god, she hated it. But when he came along... no matter how dumb his accent was or... how his screw ups sent trails of endearment through her, everything changed. And a new, unexpected sense of appreciation coursed through. She was loved, properly.

"I..I'm just saying! Think of all the money and power you'd have if you married that other Prince that you're parents are so eager on—" Adelaide cut herself off with a sigh. "You can't be with him. Your parents will go mental."

"Funny cause... I don't really care." She sighed yet again, pushing herself up and walking towards the bathroom. "I wanna be alone for the rest of the day, take the day off or whatever..." Her arms stretched out, cracking occasionally.

"I... will do.. I'm sorry."

Adelaide left the room, closing the door behind her with a sigh. She absolutely hated that she had to convince her to do as her parents wish.... She'd never seen this girl so happy about being with somebody else in her whole life. "I'm sorry."

Meanwhile, y/n relaxed her muscles, staring into the mirror and giving herself a gentle splash of water. Mornings were utterly and truly the worst thing to ever happen, the gross feeling and how she wished she could just sleep yet again...

She huffed, grabbing a towel and drying her face. Staring into the mirror always sparked an array of questions in her mind, leading to dreadful overthink... and over-hate for herself.

"I hate this stupid family."

And only the truth was spoken. She long wished for just some normality, to live a normal happy and healthy life where pressure to look and act like a picture perfect visage was nowhere to be seen. Where freedom was so present that no second guesses had to be made about whether or not it's better to check or chance.

She sighed, but not before her train of thought was shattered by a freakishly cold sensation trailing her waist.

Cold touch... streaming the dip and curve. A presence... that was so familiar. Of course.

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