Chapter 27

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Dunk pov

After the party had finished I saw Joong was sitting on the sofa alone....Tomorrow Joong chimon and Phu are going back to London.....and don’t have any idea when he'll come to Thailand again....I wanted to tell him about my feelings

Suddenly I don’t know....from where I got so much encouragement and I went towards him and dragged him to the terrace then confessed to I knew that he likes me too so I didn’t hesitate much.....after I confessed to him he was standing there for a long time not doing anything nor saying anything..... He might be surprised by my action

I saw he was still standing like a statue and there I was dying in shy....I was blushing so hard that I kissed his cheek and ran away to my room....actually I thought he would answer instantly...but this Mr. America is such an idiot just standing there like a statue and doing nothing....I don’t know if he needs some time or something but at the time he'll answer I'll tell him all the truth.......It was late at night so without thinking so much I took a shower and fell asleep 

Phuwin pov

As the party had finished I was about to go to my room for sleep as the next day we were going back to London and we had an early before going  to bed I was looking for Joong....and while looking for him I noticed aii Dunk was also nowhere to be I understood they might be went somewhere together!.....while thinking this and that Chimon called me and as I turned I saw he was sitting on the sofa I went towards the sofa and sat besides him


"Auu....still awake?".... I asked while sitting

" too".... He said with a chuckled

"What happened?...not feeling sleepy or something else?"....I asked as I noticed suddenly he got quite

"Ahh...Phuwin....may I ask you something!...though I'm not that close friend of yours".....he asked with a hesitation

" can ask me!"....I said with a little smile

" you....I mean do you like....?"

"Diao naah"....He was about to say something but I stopped as I felt he might have suspected me if I liked Joong or not.....huh!!

"Alaina".... He asked with a confused tone

"Uh...what you about to....ask I mea...n I like... Who?"....I asked while stuttering

"I was talking about.....Perth......your friend....I mean do you like him?".....he asked me and I got shocked but at the same time felt so’s a very bad habit of mine that I always replied without listening to people properly....aii shaat Phuwin

"Ohh...Perth...diao why are you asking that?"....I asked as I didn’t figure out why he suddenly asked me that

" Joong".... He said while pointing behind me and I turned around I saw Joong was standing there while staring towards us

"Alai...?"....I asked as I noticed Chimon was trying to change the topic

"You might be looking for him....go talk to him de nah I have to go....I'm feeling sleepy" he said and ran....don’t know what happened

As Chimon left I got up and went towards Joong....I don’t know why but he was looking like he cried a while ago....But when I asked he denied so I didn’t ask much....felt like he was not ready to talk so I told him good night and left

(Is something happened between him and Dunk or something?)

After finishing the conversation with Joong I went to Dunk's room but aii Dunk slept already.... I went to my room and took a shower and fell asleep


Next morning
Joong pov

It was 6:00 in the morning and I just realized that I was sitting on my bed since last night....yes I couldn’t sleep last night....I was feeling heavy inside...Those things Dunk told me last night rolling in my mind frequently....this is for the first time it’s feel like I wasn’t happy to heard that Dunk loves me....I was so confused....why!!....since childhood and till now I never loved anyone expect Dunk...I still love Dunk....but then when he confessed to me why I couldn’t answer him!.....I think I'm thinking so much or may be though I also love him but I wasn’t ready to answer.... Or this is the first time I faced something like this so I got nervous....I think I need some time

While thinking about these things I suddenly remembered that I didn’t ask Dunk to play piano at the last night we're going back to London....after that I won't able to heard him playing piano.....who knows after while hearing him play that tune may be I could found that Dunk in him and I can be sure about my feelings....I know that Dunk is waiting for my answer.....I got up from bed and quickly took a shower then directly went towards Dunk's room as we're gonna leave for airport around in two hours

As I went to his room...the door was slide open so I looked inside and I saw Phuwin was also there....felt like they were arguing about the door wasn't open fully so I couldn’t hear them properly.....But looking at their faces I could tell whatever they were arguing abiut it was serious.....don’t know why but as my eyes fell on Phuwin I started to feel something I don’t know what was that....after standing there for a while I knocked on the door

"KHAYAA(who in thai)?".....Dunk shouted from inside while looking towards the door

"Auu ai J...Joong"....Phuwin said as he saw me

"!"....Dunk said while suturing....but why did he suddenly  started to sutter or he was regretting for confessed to me last night

"Uhh....may I come in?".....though I noticed three of us were feeling uncomfortable but still I asked as I wanted to clear my feelings

"Uhh...sure...come"....said Phuwin and I entered in the room

"J...joong since when you were standing in front of the door?".....Dunk asked with a hesitant tone

"Umm...I just came....thamya?".... I asked as I was confused

"It’s mean.....nn you....didn’t....I mean didn’t hear our....conversation right?" asked Phuwin and looked at me with tensed face

"Mai....I didn’t hear....why?....did I just disturb you guys?".....I asked as I saw Both of them were acting weird

" no It's not like that"....Said Phuwin

"Yeah...It’s nothing serious!"....said  Dunk


"Uhh.....Joong......wanna say something?".... Dunk spoke after a whiled as three of us were sitting on the bed saying nothing for a long time

"Huh...uh yeah....I mean I came here to asked you to play piano as we're going back today...I forgot to asked you last night" I said I noticed both of their eyes gotten widened after hearing me

"HUHHH!!"...shouted both of them at the same time and I got shocked

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