chapter six.

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June 11, 2013


"Trav, Michael is refusing to go to sleep until he sees Taylor." Ross's voice came in over the walkie-talkie that all the counselors carried around. Travis and Taylor had been sitting in the same spot in complete silence, talking here and there about things they had both been through since the last time they had seen each other.

Travis grabbed his walkie-talkie and spoke into it. "We'll be there in a second." Travis put the walkie-talkie back down and wrapped his arms back around Taylor's body. He heard Taylor let out a sigh. She had tucked her arms between the two of them and she was resting peacefully on his chest as they talked. Talking to him was so natural. She could stay here with him forever if she could. She felt his lips meet the top of her head, sending warmth through her body. The more she sat here, the more she realized just how much she still loved him. He hadn't changed one bit since he was 16 years old. He was still sweet, a great listener, and loving. Going back into their friendship was so easy. Being able to tell him everything she felt and everything she had gone through was so easy. "Let's go tuck our son in," the words came from Travis's mouth, and Taylor couldn't help but smile. It felt good to hear him say that. She had waited years just to hear him call Michael his.

"Okay," she replied but didn't move. She was too comfortable. She felt so safe in his arms that she didn't want to move, even if she knew she had to.

"C'mon, baby doll. We can't stay here forever." He told her with a laugh. He patted her on her back, and she let out a big sigh.

"Fine," she said, laughing herself. She unlatched herself from him and stood up. He got up from where he was sitting and brushed off the back of his pants. He took her hand, and they started to walk back to the cabin area. Their walk was silent but peaceful. They had done so much talking, and she had done so much crying, that the silence was nice. As they walked, Travis stroked his thumb along her hand.

"Thank you for opening up and telling me everything. I know it must have been hard for you to say." Travis said as they walked.

"I think it was only right for you to know. It's part of Michael's story. It's a big part of why we're here this summer. It's only right that you know as his dad, too." Taylor told him. She looked over at him, catching his eyes looking at her. "Thank you for listening and holding me as I cried. These last few years have been really hard for me. Taking care of Michael alone was a lot, and then the abuse on top of it. I really felt like we wouldn't make it out."

"We're all here now. You don't have to do anything alone anymore. Every single person is willing and ready to help you anytime you need it." Travis told her. They were now standing outside of the boys' cabin.

"I really appreciate all of you," Travis said, taking her hand and pulling her into a hug. He gave her a tight squeeze, taking in her scent as he held her close. "This new chapter is going to be way better for me and him because of you guys." Travis kissed the top of her head before letting her go.

"Let's go get him to sleep. Ross is struggling." Travis said with a laugh.

"Does Ross know?" Taylor asked.

"Sweet girl, everybody knows. I couldn't deny him if I wanted to. He looks just like me," Travis let out a laugh, and so did Taylor. She shook her head at the realization that she hadn't been hiding a single thing, even though she hadn't outright said it yet. Everything about Michael on the outside was Travis; everything inside of him, however, was her. Her emotions, her thoughtfulness, her need to make sure everyone was okay. He was 100% a people pleaser, just like she was.

"I guess I couldn't hide it." Taylor said.

"No, you couldn't," Travis laughed. They both walked up the few steps to the cabin. As soon as the door opened and Travis and Taylor walked in, Michael set up in his bed.

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