chapter seven.

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JUNE 17, 2013


"Daddy?" Travis heard the faint sound of Michael's voice as he slowly opened his eyes. His surroundings were still dark as ever, so he knew it had to be in the early hours of the morning. "Daddy, I had a bad dream," Michael whispered. He had climbed into Travis's bunk and was leaning over him.

"Do you need me to take you to Mommy?" Travis asked him. If he needed to go to Taylor, he would happily bring him, but he also wished that Michael would trust him and be able to accept his comfort as well. It had been a week and a couple of days since Travis learned about his existence, and since then, they had built up a bond that Travis could only wish had strengthened as the days and years went on.

"No..." Michael said, but Travis could hear the resistance in his voice. "Can I sleep with you?" Michael asked. Travis couldn't believe his ears.

"Of course, bud," Travis told him. Travis moved over in his bunk, making some space for Michael to lie down. "Lay right here," Travis told him, patting the space that was between him and the wall. He didn't want him to fall out of the bed and hurt himself since the space to move around was now limited. Michael moved quickly, laying in the spot where Travis had patted. He got under the covers and made himself comfortable next to Travis with his little bear in hand. "Are you good?" Travis asked him, positioning himself in a way that ended up with Michael's head being on his arm. Travis pulled the covers over the both of them as best he could.

"Yeah," Michael asked. Travis placed a kiss on the top of his son's head and closed his eyes once again.

[ camp discovery ]

JUNE 17, 2013


Travis's eyes opened, and he nearly jumped out of his skin when he realized that a body was lying on top of him. When he realized that Michael was lying with him, a smile crossed his face. He barely remembered Michael waking him up during the night and asking if he could sleep with him. He thought he had been dreaming when Michael climbed into his bed. Gently, Travis rolled Michael onto his side with his teddy bear still in his grasp. He made sure the covers were still nice and tucked over him before he jumped down from the top bunk. It was part of his morning routine to get up and get ready before the campers woke up for the day.

"What's going on?" Ross asked the second Travis's feet hit the ground. Travis took a step back and took a peak into Ross's bunk.

"Yeah, man. Why?" He asked, a little confused.

"I woke up this morning thinking little man escaped. I was about to wake you up but saw he was in bed with you," Ross admitted. Travis let out a laugh.

"Yeah. He woke up in the middle of the night because he had a nightmare. He asked to sleep with me. He's all good." Travis couldn't hide the smile that was slowly spreading across his face. Travis couldn't contain his happiness. This was such a major step in their bonding. It showed that Michael trusted him and that Michael didn't just see Taylor as his comfort. He now had two parents he could run to. Two parents he could confide in. Two parents who loved him unconditionally and would stop at nothing to ensure he was happy and safe.

"He didn't ask for Taylor?" Ross asked, surprised.

"Nope," the smile on his face grew.

"That's great man. That's a big step." Ross told him. Ross was happy to see that his friend was moving into the father role with such grace and gratitude. He wasn't so sure if he would when Taylor first reappeared at camp with Michael. They were still so young, and had so much more life ahead of them. Neither of them believed that they would be fathers this soon in life, even if they both had it set in their minds in the future they would be. "I still can't believe you have a damn seven year old, man."

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