chapter ten.

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JUNE 23, 2013


Taylor knocked on the door of the boys' cabin before she opened the door and walked in. "Hi, Mommy!" Michael said immediately upon seeing his mother's face come into the door.

"Hey, baby. Come with me for a second; Tree and Lance have something for you." Taylor told her little boy. He got up from where he had been sitting, dropping everything that he was doing, and slid his feet into his crocs. He ran over to Taylor and hugged her legs tightly. They hadn't seen much of each other today. The boys had taken the day to go on a five-mile hike with a zip-lining side quest, and the girls spent the day learning the ins and outs of soccer. With camp coming to a close in the coming week, the counselors were trying to squeeze in every activity they could before the last day. "Did you have a good day? How was the hike?" Taylor asked Michael as they started to walk out of the cabin.

"It was long and hot," Michael whined. "But the thing, where you go flying down the rope. That was fun. I did it like 5 times!" Michael explained. Leave it to Michael to complain about something but also have the time of his life while doing it.

"So you just didn't see me?" Travis said, coming up behind her and grabbing her waist, making sure his presence was known before he grabbed her. Taylor let out a giggle.

"I wasn't paying much attention, no," She admitted truthfully. While she obviously knew Travis would be in the cabin, she wasn't looking for him.

"Wow," he said, pretending to be shocked, nodding his head as he did so. "I see how it is. I thought we had something special," he told her playfully. She turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Hi, Trav," she said, loud enough for only him, and maybe Michael, to hear.

"Hi, Tay," he replied. "Did you have a good day today?" He asked, leaning down and kissing her lips.

"I did," she replied once their lips parted. "But getting a kiss from you made it better."

"Did it?" He asked, kissing her again.

"Mhm," she hummed, a smile on her face as she kissed him one last time before she gently pushed him away. "Tree and Lance are waiting for us."

"I don't care," Travis told her, trying to pull her close to him again, but she took a couple of steps back.

"I do! I wanna know what my surprise is!" Michael butted in.

"Fine," Travis said with a laugh. He ruffled the hairs on Michael's head and planted a kiss on Taylor's forehead, letting them go about their business. Taylor and Michael walked the distance to Tree and Lance's cabin, going right in instead of knocking on the door. 

"Honey, I'm home!" Michael screamed upon entering the cabin. Taylor couldn't help but laugh at her little boy. He was becoming so comfortable with everyone at camp. He was becoming more of himself, more of that little boy she knew and loved from before everything started to fall apart. His spirit was returning to normal, and Taylor couldn't be more happy about it. It was becoming more and more evident by the day that coming back to camp this summer was the best decision she could have ever made.

Tree came out of the back room, a smile on her face. "Is that my new name now? Honey?" Tree asked. She was carrying two gourmet bags.

"Yes, because you're sweet, like honey!" Michael announced.

"He is definitely Travis Kelce's son." Lance came from the back room, laughing at Michael's words. No one in the room could believe the words that came out of Michael's mouth sometimes. Taylor, herself, sometimes wondered where he got some of the things from that he said or did. He hadn't been around Travis that long to pick everything up from him, so it had to be from TV shows, movies, or her best friend's boyfriend. Thinking about it, Ryan seemed like the likely culprit.

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