chapter 13

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maria's pov

Days have come and gone. Who knows maybe even weeks. At least, that's what i'm guessing. And yes, I'm still trapped in this stupid chair. Elijah truly abandoned me. In a way, it's kind of comical. I mean, he gave me a shred of hope, and crushed it. If I had to say, it was pretty good revenge for him.

Any energy that my body had stored, has disintegrated. The hunger that used to coarse through me has disappeared. Now, my body has given up. I'm guessing that I've slowly begun the desiccation process. My veins use the little, and I mean little amount of blood left inside me to allow my thoughts to continue to develop. If I even tried to move my finger, I don't think I'd be able to.

If someone saw me in my current state, they'd probably laugh. I haven't been able to shower in god knows how long. I'm in the same clothes that I've been in since the masquerade. I haven't even been able to take my makeup off, or even brush my hair since that night! Due to the lack of blood and sleep that I have received, I'm guessing I look incredibly fragile, which is my least favorite thing. I hate showing any signs of weakness, and right now I'm showing many.

"Okay this has to be where she is." A faint female voice spoke outside of the room. Great, I'm hearing things now.

"Are you sure? Do you think Elijah would really leave her alive?"

Wait- maybe i'm not hearing things. But still, I refuse to get my hopes up.

Shuffling comes from the outside the rusted door. A loud bang hits against the door, and the door collapses to the ground. Light bursts through the entrance, leaving me temporarily blinded. I can't remember the last time I have seen light. All I have had in this room was a small lamp that looked like it was from the 80s. I feel as though my consciousness may slip at any given moment, but I must stay awake.

"Maria?" The female questions. My mind tries to catch up to the voice that is speaking to me. I know that voice. It's Katherine. Wow this lack of blood is really throwing me off. "Oh my god. What the hell did he do to you!"

"Jesus, Maria." There is a brooding undertone in the males voice. Stefan. Okay, Stefan and Katherine are here.

I try to speak, but my mouth is so dry that nothing comes out. My eyes are beginning to adjust to the light. I see both of my friends, if you can even call them that as they both rush towards to me. Wait, how did Katherine escape the tomb? Oh god, what did they do to Elijah?

So many questions attempt to leave my mouth, but the only sound I can make is a small groan. Sluggishly, I lift my head up higher, in order to see them both. Darkened spots appear in my vision. Blinking profusely, I attempt to make them disappear, or I at least try to avoid passing out.

Almost as if Katherine can read my thoughts, she strokes my hair. "Don't worry, he won't hurt you anymore." I look at my twin through my eyelids. Then, the darkness that I've been avoiding takes over my consciousness.


Comfort encompasses me as light threatens me to open my eyes. I roll to my left, feeling the soft mattress mold into my body. Silk sheets allow a smooth and slippery coziness to bring warmth to my body. I bury my head deeper into the pillow, wishing I could stay here forever.

"Enjoying yourself?" My least favorite Salvatore says. I can practically hear the smirk radiating off of his body.

"What the hell? Where am I?" I mutter. As I slowly open my eyes in order to take in my surroundings. I'm in an all wooden bedroom. Literally, the floor to the ceiling is made of a dark wood. The bed sits at a weird diagonal angle, and so does the carpet. To the left of the bed is a full-size mirror and a wooden chair. Well, it is obvious it isn't a girls room because this room lacks taste.

"My bedroom, do you like it?" The arrogant man in front of me confidently raises his eyebrows.

"Kill me." I groan. Memories come flooding back before I lost consciousness. Why the hell would Katherine and Stefan save me, and then bring me here?! "Why do my nightmares keeping coming to life?"

Damon strides closer to me, and lifts up my chin. His cologne suffocates the air around me, and not in a good way. It's like he is a middle school boy trying ax body spray for the first time!

"Oh, come on Maria. I know you obsessed with me."

I scoff. Is he really that delusional? I spring out of his bed, and rush towards the door. Looks like Katherine and Stefan fed me blood at some point. Thank god. Though, I'm still hungry.

The hallway replicates Damons room perfectly. It's definitely a lighter wood that covers the walls, floor, and ceiling. But, it's still wood. I begin to walk down the stairs, as I see Katherine and Stefan bickering in the parlor. Katherine sees me first and smiles. She's runs up to me, and hugs me.

"Who are you, and what did you do to Katherine." I sarcastically say as I return the hug.

"Oh shut up." My twin rolls her eyes. "I'm just happy you're okay. It took us weeks to find you."Katherine begins to walk to the leather couch, and I follow her. "I'm guessing you have a lot of questions."

"That would be the understatement of the century." I grin.

"I'll let you guys have some sibling bonding time." Stefan walks out of the parlor, and gives me a friendly smile.

"So, where to begin..." Katherine taps her bourbon glass with her maroon nails.

"Well you can start by getting me a drink."

Katherine scoffs quietly. She quickly pours me a bourbon in one of Damon's many glasses.

"Thank you." I toss the contents in the glass down my throat allowing the burning sensation to bring me warmth. "How long was I gone."

"Well, in total like two months. You were with me in the tomb for six weeks, and then the rest of the time you were with Elijah."

I attempt to process the information being thrown at me. Two months? I thought it was four weeks at most. No wonder I was so hungry. "Oh my god."

"Trust me, I know. I'm sorry we took so long. Damon and his human friend being the idiots they are just stabbed Elijah. They didn't leave the dagger in."

"You all daggered him?" I stand up, pacing around the room. "Kat, when he wakes up, we are screwed. If he was mad at us before, imagine how furious he will be!"

"It's fine. We'll just run again." Katherine struggles momentarily, almost as if she can't believe the words she is about to say. "And anyways, it was worth it to find you."

I giggle to myself. "Who knew Katerina Petrova could be so caring."

"Say that again and I'll chop off your tongue." Katherine fumes.

I finish the last of my bourbon, and stand up. Ignoring Katherine's comment, I hug her once more. She stiffens before hugging back. "Thank you again, Kat."

My sister attempts to hide the joy on her face. I turn away from her, and find my way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Katherine asks.

"Just thought I'd grab a snack, you know, since I haven't had a proper meal in two months."

Katherine stands up,and gives me a stern look. "Without me? How rude."

"Well if you want to come, hurry up. Unless, old age is finally getting to you." Katherine rolls her eyes, but follows me out the door.


omg 900 reads?! thank you all so so so so much!!!

i'll try to update more often, i've just been extremely busy these past few weeks.

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