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I promise I'll add a chapter each week so don't worry!!! (I have them pre written too, so u can trust meeee) Anyway! Welcome to this story, don't be shy to help me out with grammar or spelling mistakes in the comments and tell me whether you like it or not! ILY and take care,

<3 Nerd


"Ha! I conquered another piece! I'm totally beating you!"

Ekos sighed in desperation, and Emi laughed. "See, it's not that easy to beat me, big brother."

Emi glanced at the game and started planning her next move. Finally she moved her piece and again she conquered one of Ekos' pieces.

"Okay, I'll admit it, you really are good at this game."

"I know, right? It's your turn now, though I don't think you'll beat me anytime soon!"

"You lads are awfully quiet, what are you doing?" someone from behind them asked.

Emi turned around and saw her mom standing at the bottom of the steps of their front porch. Apparently she had just gone fishing with Emi's father. In Emi's opinion, her dad had made the right choice by marrying her mom. She was so beautiful. She had long brown hair with waves Emi had always been jealous of, and her skin was a gorgeous shade of caramel brown. The most astonishing things about her were her eyes though, they were hazel coloured and they always had light in them. Emi's father had once told her that when they were younger every woman in town was either jealous or in love with her mom, and that her father had been lucky that her mom had even looked in his direction, let alone marry him. Even though her mom was really sweet, most elders hated her, they pretended not to, but Emi knew what they said about her behind her back, and her mom did too. The main reason for the hate was that her mom had been from the upper eastern cities, in the Credonia. About 80 years ago, the Kasjer-tribe had fought a war against the Credonia, and the elders, who could still remember the hatred their grandparents had harboured, hated everyone who came from the Credonia.

"I'm beating Ekos in Patchok."

"Emi, please, don't get your hopes up, I can still win!" Ekos defended himself.

"Nu-uh! Just accept it, you're going to lose!" Emi teased.

Ekos opened his mouth to give a reply, but their mother quickly cut them off.

"You guys should get inside, it might rain." their mom said.

"Don't worry mom, we're under the porch so we won't get wet." Ekos said.

"Still, it's probably going to be windy too, I'd just prefer you guys getting inside." Emi noticed that her mom was starting to get a bit nervous, which worried her, because she was only nervous when something was going extremely wrong.

"Okay mom, let me just finish my move." Ekos said, completely oblivious to their mom's nervous ticks.

Emi looked back at her mom, who was now staring at something behind them. Emi quickly turned around to see what was going on. The only thing she saw was snow though.

"What's up mom?" She asked.

"Get inside, now! Don't bother cleaning the table." Her mom said, fear clearly visible in her eyes.

Emi did what she was told. When she was inside, her mom basically pushed her and her brother into the basement. "Stay here, don't go outside, and don't make any noises."

"What do you think this is all about?" Ekos said, after he had recovered from the shock.

"Shush, mom said to not make any noises!" Emi whispered.

They sat there, in silence for a good 30 minutes. Suddenly they heard the door being kicked open.

"Search the house! You heard the order, kill them all!" a raspy voice said.

Emi heard about half a dozen different footsteps on the wooden boards in the living room. Then a woman screamed, followed by a loud 'thonk' on the floor. Ekos put a hand on Emi's mouth, and silenced her scream. Then he pulled her in a hug, because for once in his life, he had understood the situation they were in. After a few long hours, when they were sure the men had left, Ekos and Emi got out of the basement. Emi's worst fears were confirmed when they saw the body of the woman they had loved so dearly. Emi felt like she was going to barf, and quickly ran out of the house, closely followed by Ekos. The scene they stumbled upon was something Emi would never forget. Hundreds of bodies of people she had once known, dead on the floor.



Omg I'm so so so sorry it's this short (or is it okay???? Actually I literally don't know what you guys like so just tell me pleaseeeee) I hope you had fun reading this and see you next thursday AGH!

Love u Love u Love u!!!

<3 Nerd

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