Chapter 1

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First actual chapter!!! I'm so happy publishing this book I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT!!!! OH also! If ur looking to make some wattpad friends or smth just message me CUZ I LITERALLY WILL LOVE EVERYONE I PROMISE!!! (also please tell me how long these chapters are supposed to be cuz I literally don't know???) Good luck reading this chapter and take loads of care

ly, Nerd <3


Ten years later...

A gut wrenching scream, followed by the sound of a body falling on a wooden floor. Her being hugged by her brother. Hundreds of bodies drenched in blood on the ground.

Emi woke up with a start. God, she hated the nightmares. She hadn't had a good night's sleep since the incident. A bit disoriented, she looked around the room. Why was it so dark? Suddenly she remembered. She was in jail. Again. Ekos was going to kill her.

"You can go, but if we catch you again, we won't be so nice and we will lock you up for at least a week!" a stern voice said.

Emi looked up and saw a guard standing. She rolled her eyes and tried to walk past him, but he stopped her. "Do you understand that? I can't keep saving your fucking ass, dum dum."

"Yes brother, thanks." Emi said, knowing that Ekos would never lock her up. "I'll have dinner ready by the time you're home."

Ekos sighed, "Don't bother. I'm eating at Vianne's."

Emi rolled her eyes, which didn't go unnoticed by Ekos. "Sis, please, give her a chance and you'll see that she is the nicest person on this planet."

"I don't even know why you would date her, we're leaving this town in a few weeks anyways," Emi replied. It wasn't that she didn't like Vianne, in fact, she too thought that Vianne was too kind for this world, but Vianne was distracting her brother from what needed to be done, and they could not use that right now, not when they were so close.

"Yeah, about that... Don't you think we should rest? We've been on the move for more than ten years! We deserve a break, Emi."

Emi stared at her brother, she could not believe what she had just heard. A break? Why was he acting like this? "Yeah, a break. After we've finished getting revenge. Did you forget that that was our mission?"

"An unofficial mission, chosen by us. We don't have to pursue it. Especially if we've been trying to complete it for ten years, with no luck."

"You want to quit? After everything we've been through? Did you forget about mom? Did you forget about dad? Did you forget about the whole entire fucking village? You've got to be kidding me!"

"Emi, those people are dead. We are not, we can't just waste our life trying to hunt people, even if they destroyed our village! We have to make something of ourselves!"

"So you're basically a fucking traitor? Is that what you're trying to say?"

"I deserve to be happy, Emi!" Ekos yelled in desperation. "And Vianne fucking makes me happy, so I'm not leaving."

He blinked, realising how loud he had been speaking, and continued with a softer voice. "Listen, I don't expect you to stay also, although it'd make me really happy if you did, but please, revenge isn't going to make you feel any better. I can promise you that."

"Fine, I don't need your lame-ass help anyways. I'm leaving. Tomorrow morning." Emi said.

Emi stormed out of the cell, she glanced back, and saw her brother looking disappointed. She huffed. "Fucker."

Later that night she started packing. She didn't own much. A few clothes, and some jewellery that once belonged to her mom. She felt herself growing angry again. That had been happening a lot recently. With no luck whatsoever finding the killers, and winter slowing her and her brother down, it had been so frustrating. She threw a pair of pants in her backpack and started sharpening her knife. She smiled upon remembering the memory of how she had gotten that knife. She had been twelve, and had just ran away from a couple of moggers in the town her and her brother had been staying in. They had hidden in a winery in that neighbourhood and when the bartender had found them, he helped them scare the thieves off. Later he gave her and her brother some food, which by the way tasted really good, and a place to sleep. The next morning he had given her a small knife, so that she could protect herself. "You're going to need it, the world is cruel nowadays." He had said. And he was right. She had already used it multiple times, against thieves, rapers, and also as a blackmail item.

"You weren't actually serious now, were you? Are you really going to leave?"

Emi jumped on her feet, knife ready. Then relaxed when she saw it was just Ekos. "That you have forgotten your duty, doesn't mean that I have too. I told you, I will leave in the morning. You with me?"

"Emi, I was serious too. I'm staying here." Ekos said. He sighed, and then continued. "Will you at least stay the night? What time are you leaving?"

"I'll leave at dawn." Emi said, determined.

Ekos nodded. Looked at her, and took her hand. "Then you'll need your sleep. Wake me up before you go."

The next morning she quickly woke Ekos up. They stood before the door of their, well actually now his, house.

"You can always come back, please remember that." Ekos said.

"You're not mad I'm leaving you then?"

"I could say the same. Listen sis, you're one of the strongest people I know. I'm being serious. You're not one of the smartest, but you'll pull through just fine. Please just be careful."

Was Ekos crying? She couldn't really see it through her own tears. She hugged her brother. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too Emi. Good luck."

It was time for her to leave then. She turned around to walk away, but her brother grabbed her arm. "You'll hate me for saying this, but I have to, once you find the killers... Please, and I'm begging you here, please think multiple times about what you're going to do with them. I wouldn't want you to do something you'll regret."

"They'll get what they deserve, nothing more, nothing less. And I'll do everything to make sure it happens."

She walked away. On her own, for the first time in her life. 




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