Chapter 2

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I'm slowly making the chapters longer sooo we'll probably end with chapters of like 5k instead of 1k haha!

Anyways, as always, tell me what you think, give me feedback etc. 



Emi had been walking for over 6 hours when she heard the bushes rustle. Again. She kept walking but glanced carefully over her shoulder. There was something following her. She was almost certain. She smoothly unsheathed her blade. She inhaled, and felt her body tense, waiting for the fight to happen. She walked through some trees and suddenly found herself in an open spot. She quickly sprinted to the other side, so that she wouldn't be as easy to spot. But before she could reach the trees, she slammed face first into the ground.

"Ow. What was that?" She muttered.

"My painting set, dipshit." A voice behind her said.

She quickly stood up, and grabbed her knife. "Who are you?"

The boy before her gasped at the sight of her knife, and didn't react for a few seconds, which gave Emi enough time to assess the possible threat before her. He had brown curly hair, round glasses, earrings and brown skin. He wore an ugly sweater, which was obviously a failed DIY-project. He also wore straight pants with paint smudges all over them. To her surprise he then recovered from his early shock, and looked at her with a judgy expression.

"I could ask you the same question. You're not homeless are you? My dad doesn't want those on our terrain. I personally don't mind them but I'm not the boss of the house. On the contrary, I'm more of a disappointment to my parents, you know, not being a mighty warrior like my brothers and all. In my opinion painting is a better way of spending time, than sticking swords into people, what do you reckon?" He said.

Emi had never encountered someone who was willing to tell his whole life story to a complete stranger he had met in the woods, so she was caught off guard. "What...?"

"Ugh I know, I talk way too much. My parents tell me all the time. They say I'm even more annoying than my sisters. Anyways, what was your name?"

"Uhm, I'm Emi." She cursed herself inside her head. Great plan Emi, tell a complete stranger your real life name. "What's your name?"

"Oh totally forgot, yes, I'm Nav. Well my full name is Naveron, but that's such a stupid name so everyone calls me Nav. Honestly, I don't even know what my parents were thinking when they gave me that name. It's literally so ugly." Naveron said.

Emi's head started to hurt from all this information. "Where is the nearest city, Naveron." She was not planning on fraternising with a potential enemy, so no nicknames.

"Nav. And it's about a kilometre south from here. That way." And he pointed into the woods.

"Thank you, Naveron." She put extra emphasis on his name, and he rolled his eyes.

"Just say Nav, you literally have no reason to be scared of me. I wouldn't rat you out to my parents if you disrespected me anyways."

"Why the fuck would I be scared of you." Said Emi, who didn't want people to think that she was a scared little girl.

"No need to be aggressive. But don't you know? My dad is the landlord of this area. He could literally ruin your life, if you don't watch out." Naveron scratched the back of his head. "I can walk you to the city, if you want. I don't think they'll let you in otherwise. We've had a lot of attacks from burglars recently."

"Why would you want to do that?" Emi said, suspicious of Naverons true intentions.

"Because I feel like we are really compatible, you know? Like, I feel like you and I could become best friends. I don't know about you, but I've got a really good feeling about you." Naveron said with a weird twinkle in his eyes.

Emi looked at him in disgust, but then realised the only way she was going to get into the city was with him. "Fine. But don't talk, don't sneeze, don't cough. I don't want to hear a single noise coming out of your mouth. Okay?"

Naveron put his thumb up and winked. "We are so becoming best friends!"

We are so not. Emi thought.

After no more than five minutes Naveron started talking. Emi quickly tuned out. This boy obviously didn't care if anyone was listening or not, he just kept on ranting about how his parents were so unfair to him, how his sisters were annoying, his brothers too perfect and his grandparents urging him to get married. Okay, so maybe she was listening, so what? If she had learned one thing on her endless travels, it was that information was powerful. And this boy gave it away for free.

After what seemed like hours walking, they arrived at the city walls. There stood a guard.

"Master Nav, welcome back. How was your day?" The guard said.

"It was great, thank you. There was lots of great light for my paintings today, which was amazing after all of these days of rain. I got like two paintings done and another small one of a rabbit. Do you want to see it?" Without waiting for an answer, he showed the painting, and the guard started gushing, it was good, but definitely not worth all of those compliments. Although, what would she know about it? She wasn't really into paintings. Like at all.

"You are a true master." The guard said, and Emi rolled her eyes. "What, you don't think he's any good?"

"Personally, I think it's a pretty pointless hobby. But whatever." Emi said.

"WHAT?" Naveron exclaimed. "You definitely lost points with me because of that. Honestly, it's a wonder I even want to help you. Let's go inside before you say anything more stupid."

Emi huffed. He was one to talk. "Fine."

They quickly walked through the city, and Emi tried to gather as much information as she could. 4 exits in the city, but probably a few more through the sewers. There were no more than twenty five guards active, so there were probably a maximum of 100 in the city. She started feeling a bit more confident. If she had to leave, it wouldn't be easy, but she had managed harder places. She sighed. How much longer were they going to walk? The city wasn't that big, right?

"We're here. Welcome to my humble home. I'll announce to my parents that there's a guest."

"Thanks." Emi said.

"Oh just so you know, I'm telling them you're a girl beforehand. They're going to be thrilled, and they'll probably try and set us up, so try to be a bit flirtatious, to feed into their delusions, please." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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