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Ok so, I am righting a story called "The girl who ran away". It is a Duff McKagan fanfiction. This story was originally supposed to be a Y/n story but i changed it to Alison. So yeah. I put the first chapter of the story in here so you guys can see if it interests you. Just to let you know, this is my first story so I hope you like it! You can click on my profile name and my story should be there. Tx :).


I will be adding more pictures soon. I might do it when I feel like it. Sorry. ( What does it say??


Part one: The escape

Hi, my name is Alison, but people call me Alis. I'm 17 years old and....I get abused by my mom. I wish my dad and older sister were here. My sister is so kind, but she moved away at 20 and my dad died in a car accident while driving home from work. I was only 14 at the time. My mom always said 'I which I was the one in the car. You're a bratty girl Alis'.


April 17, 1984

"ALISON!! GET HERE RIGHT NOW!" My mom yelled.

As I came out of my room shaking like hell because I feared what was about to happen, my mom was holding her phone.

"Y... yes mom" I stuttered while I was walking towards my mom. She started to yell.; uh oh trouble is about to happen; I thought to myself.


"MOM HES NOT MY FUCK BUDDY" I interrupted her. "WE-ARE friends" I said while making sur my mom understood what I was SAYING. "YOU HAD LIKE WHAT 3 GUY FRIENDS?!" I yelled back at my mom. I mean it was true.... well instead she had 5 but she always said that she had 3. And the other night I heard her say hello to like 5 guys on the phone from 5 different calls and 5 different names. Also, she was saying 'hi it's Cassy from high school. Remember? Me, Michael, you, Jackson, Brian, Philip and my 2 girl-friends?'


At this point I think I won the fight because my mom was just standing there silent.

"J-just go to your room" my mom said calmly, which surprised me a lot. As I turned around to go back in my room which was in the basement, my mom pushed me, and I fell.

I was falling down the stairs knocking my feet, arms, legs basically every limb on my body was crashing and turning. But thankfully there was only like 7 steps, so I wasn't really in that much danger.

As I made it to the bottom of the stairs I-felt like I was dying. I had bruises everywhere and my nose was bleeding. As I looked up to see my mom, she had left. I here'd her saying shit to herself like 'what have I done' or 'no, no, no I'm a bad mother.

; Yeah, you are a bad mother; I thought to myself. I got up, completely in pain. I went to my room and started packing money, food, feminine products, my fake license and most importantly...a picture of my dad and sister.

; I'm leaving tonight, at midnight; I said to myself planning where I would go.


12:00 am

I got out of bed, went to my window and unlocked it. I was wearing a black jacket that belonged to my dad. It was very soft on the inside and its smelt like my father. I had bell bottom jeans and a t-shirt that had a mix of orange, yellow and beige. Oh, and not to forget I had a tissue in my left nostril because of my horrible mom.

I got out of my room through the window and started running to the nearest bar. Although I had a backpack on, so it was a little hard to run. I got closer and closer to the bar.

I entered the bar and..... holly fuck Mötley Crüe was playing. Wow....I can't believe it and ooooo Tommy Lee. I looooved him ever since I started listening to them. But aww man he's like 5 years older than me :(. Well, he was born in 1962 and me, well 1967.

I went to the bar and waved at the bartender. He came and asked what drink and I asked for jack n' coke. He gave it to me and....what he didn't ask for my license. Oh well to bad.

As the band finished, they came to the bar. They were so close to me and- "Hey pretty lady" Vince said in a flirty tone. I was NEVER in love with him. I'm just not into blondes in general. Even Though I am blonde.

"Hey Vince" I said. Still shocked to see him and the band. I was finishing my drink until...

"Shit are you ok there? Your nose and arms..." Tommy said with his mouth opened. "Oh uhm.'s a long story" I said to Tommy. He shook his head slowly up and down.

"You wanna fuck I mean, you're clearly a fan of me Sienese you know me" Vince said at me and smirked.

"Sorry not into blondes, read heads and main signers" I said to him. I always got a bad vibe from Vince.

". c'mon" he insisted.

"No, no thank you. I don't want to" I was too afraid of emitting I was a virgin because then he'd probably would wanna fuck me more. And he put his disgusting hand on my thigh. Eww.

"Hey, she doesn't want to fuck you" Nikki said grabbing his arm away from my thigh which Vince was touching. Vince grabbed my face and kissed me. I pushed him off me.

"What the fuck? You little bitch!" Vince yelled at me while coming closer until thank God:

"Hey stop it Vin. She doesn't like you, ok?" Mick said to him trying to calm him down while walking away from the rest of us with Vince by his side.

"Hey sorry about that he's just drunk and not used to girls rejecting him...and Are you ok?" Tommy asked pulling me into his chest to give me a hug and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"No" I said, and I had a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Hey, let's have a seat and talk about it ok? Mick is taking care of Vince so it's us three, c'mon follow me" Nikki said then started walking to a booth, I and Tommy followed.

I explained basically my whole life, start to now because I really, really needed to talk to someone about my abusive mom, dead father. And loving older sister who would hopefully come and save me. After all I'm only 17 so my mom still owns me.

"Dam. So, you ran away, and you don't have anywhere to stay?" Nikki asked me, taking a sip from his 3rd beer.

"Yeah, so I'm...." I trailed off realizing my mom probably called the police. At this time Mick and Vince were back listening to me telling my story about my abusive mom, my dead father and loving sister that moved away and said that she'd try to save me from our abusive mom.

"How old are you again?" Tommy asked. This made me blush a little. I looked down so I wouldn't show my partly red-pink cheeks.

"I, I'm 17" I said in a whisper tone but loud enough for the band to hear. "And yes, I am underage drinking" I said while lifting my vodka and coke mixed. They all laugh.



I was drunk. Really drunk to the point that I was hitting on Tommy. Touching him, saying 'take my virginity' and shit like that. I mean I was on like my 7-8 drink.

"Ok I think we should go home, take a nape, ok Alison?" Tommy asked to me.

"Ok cuuuutie" I said still hitting on him. I saw Vince, he looked mad and jealous.

Written: March 23, 2024

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