[Vol. 3] Chapter 29: Those With Loaded Guns

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She grunted, scrambled to rise, but the upward movement pressed her flat against wet felt. The paw was bigger than a bus, and attached to a giant coil of metal that disappeared into the clouds. Clouds fell past her as she went higher, higher, and rain splattered her face.

Then the paw reached its destination, tipped, and Emery began to slide. She found no purchase against the wet felt; the most she could do was not flip head over heels. A wide, flat surface appeared underneath the paw, also made of some kind of fabric. The moment Emery's feet hit, strong arms grabbed her.

"Thank god." Trevor smiled down at her. The rain plastered his hair to his head and had completely soaked through his clothes, but his eyes were bright. "You were down there for a while. I'm glad you're okay."

The world shifted under their feet, but Trevor seemed to have no problem staying upright. The clouds parted for a moment, revealing the giant bulbous cat's head behind Trevor, a cartoon with huge eyes and a wide, fanged smile. Emery recognized that face. The torn paws. The springy arms. It was the old stuffed cat toy Trevor kept in a case in his bedroom, but blown up to gigantic proportions. They stood on its shoulder.

"Isn't it dangerous to be up this high?" Emery asked. "The lightning—"

Trevor's smile got bigger. Emery's stomach sank.

"You're making the storm, too, aren't you?"

"Can't keep myself from getting wet if I want to stay hidden, but it's not too difficult otherwise. It was already drizzling a bit today, and it seems to confuse everyone else down there."

The swirling of the Dream-storm had completely hidden Trevor's aura and the location of his giant toy cat. Even Liam and Zoya hadn't seen it. Did they know she was up here now?

"We got my parents out, but they see you as the biggest threat, not the State. You need to leave."

Trevor's smile faded. "Your friends are still down there. So are the State dreamhunters. They arrived not long ago. I've swiped a few off the map, but more keep showing up. I feel like I'm stepping on anthills. You're going to leave everyone now?"

"Leave everyone?" Emery grabbed his lapels. "I'm not leaving. You're going to put me down, then you're getting out of here. If you can protect your house, go there, but even there, they'll find you."

Trevor scoffed. "I'm not leaving you in the middle of this."

"Please, we do not have time to argue. My parents will realize I'm missing any second. They'll come after you. And I have to make sure everyone is okay on the ground. We all need to get out."

"Then I'm coming with you." Instantly, the structure beneath them shuddered and began to move downward through the clouds.

Emery beat a hand on his chest. "No, dammit, Trevor—!"

"Classic meeting the parents, right?" he said. "I just have to convince them I'm not so bad."

"My mom has a cannon!"

The clouds broke. The ground reappeared, the giant cat disappearing from under them. Together they jumped down to the pavement outside the Crossing. Apart from the rain, the world was eerily silent. Just by the fountain, a dark body was sprawled, unmoving. Emery hurried over. She didn't recognize them. Their eyes were open, glassy. They wore shorts and a t-shirt, as most dreamhunters wore underneath their clothing. The t-shirt, once white, was now mostly red. They'd been speared through the gut.

"Did you...?" Emery asked.

"I don't think so," Trevor replied, "but it was chaotic out here for a while."

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