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TW: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

"So that thing..."


"That thing..."

"Again, it's an egg."

"Just came out of your ass?" asked Bianca.

I pursed my lips, my last remaining patience on the verge of snapping. I was sure my lil sis was malfunctioning.

"Yes, Bianca," I sighed irritated. She snorted, trying not to laugh. Ana, thank god, was quick to smack her in the back of the head, to which she stopped laughing and gave Ana a deathly glare.

It's been two weeks since the lay (instead of birth há) of my egg and my family came to visit with gifts for our baby boy and Brax. They were in awe with my egg, which rested in his nest in mine and Phoenix's room. It started black at the bottom, then faded into red, ending in orange at the tip.

"So, the round scales mean is a boy?" my dad asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah. It's kinda a long wait to know the gender of the baby, but it is how it is," I explained.

"But, can't an ultrasound be done?" my mom inquired quietly.

The situation between my mom and I was still complicated. We were good, but our relationship wasn't the same and probably never will. She was still timid around me, scared to act wrongly or say the wrong thing, which did not let the relationship improve and move on. It was sad not being able to rely on a motherly figure, especially now that I'm a mother myself, but it was what it was and I needed to work on accepting it.

"Dragon skin is too thick to see anything through a scan, and before shifting, when the baby is developed enough to see anything in the third month, the component of the shell starts forming and it clouds any kind of visibility," Phoenix explained, and I smiled.

Phoenix was really into the pregnancy, insisting he needed all the information to be able to help me with anything, and he also wanted to understand what my body was going through and the pregnancy's facts. I didn't know someone could be cute and hot at the same time. He being a proud dad made me so horny it was a bit embarrassing.

It must be the hormones!

"I'll just pretend to understand all that," my dad nodded his head, filling his mouth with a cookie so he had an excuse to stay quiet.

"So, do you have a name already for the little guy?"

Julio always said the best part is getting to name your child, and honestly, it is. Phoenix and I had fun going through many names. We set the boundary that the name for our baby was two yeses and one no.

"We chose Alarik," I answered, hoping they didn't give me grief for not choosing a Spanish name.

"That's cute!" commented Bianca.

"He already sounds smarter than all of us," joked Julio and we all laughed.

It filled my heart with warmth to know everyone was already so accepting and loving toward my babies, it gave me hope for the future.

Before they left, they reminded me to tell them once the baby has hatched, which I of course will.

Once the portal had closed, we went back to our room, where we found Brax on the nest with the egg between his legs, he was hugging it, with a book next to him. He liked reading him (the best he could, he would often get tired of trying to understand the letters and just came up with a story himself), so his little brother would know his voice. I love to see how bonded Brax already was with the baby.

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