62. Facing My Family

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Warning: I have a lot to say in the A/N because I'm lonely af and you are the only one I could talk to.

Also, have you noticed the chapters have gotten a bit longer? I'm covering the word count so I can give you more😘

"I can't believe we are doing this..." I muttered. 

We were right outside my parent's one-story home, in Cuba. It's been around four months since the last time I heard from them. I wonder if they thought I was murdered or something.

"Okay... Here goes nothing."

I knocked on the door of my parent's house, and we waited for someone to open. We wait and we wait... But no one comes, which annoys me a bit. Only my parents lived here, my siblings lived on their own or with their families. My mom always is on some errands and my dad still works at sixty-three years old.

"You sure they live here?" asked Phoenix looking around.

He looked so out of place that it was almost hilarious. Since I know he is not human, he doesn't look human at all. I wondered if I would have been able to tell if I hadn't met him and saw him walking on the streets.

"Yeah, but they are probably out," I answered, feeling bad for dragging Phoenix here for nothing.

"Just asking. The land seems a bit unkept."

Only then did I notice. The grass in the front yard was outgrown and there were weeds in my mom's flower pots. She is a proud gardener, and at the first sight of weed, she gets rid of it, so this doesn't seem like her at all.

Now I started worrying...

I decided to see if my neighbor across the street knew anything. She would often bring us frituras de malanga when she would prepare dinner for her sons who often bailed at the last minute. They were assholes and I would never lose a chance to chew them out the rare times they visited their elderly mother.

I knocked and only had to wait a few minutes for her. I could picture her sighing while pausing her telenovela. She would stand up, which was never smooth, and would walk slowly toward the door.

The door opened, and I smiled and greeted Nana Mari, who when she seaw me, stayed still.

After what seemed like long minutes, she reacted.

"Por la Virgen María! Lilly!" she stumbled over in an attempt to rush to me and I met her halfway so she didn't fall. "Where? How..? Are you a ghost?"

She asked, crossing herself.

I laughed. That poor old woman.

"No! No. I'm just here to visit my parents, but they are not home. Do you know where are they?"

When I mentioned my parents, her teary face shifted into an angry one. Uh-oh

"Niño, give me my slipper,"  she ordered Phoenix while nearly lifting her right leg.

It took me a bit to process what she was intending.

Phoenix, though confused, knows better than going against an elderly, and bends to take the slipper off her feet, and when I realized what was about to happen, it was too late.

"No! Don't give her the weapon!"

"Por el nombre del señor!" she yelled, swapping at me with her slipper. I shrieked and try to dodge her attacks. "Donde has estado?! Tus padres casi les da un infarto cuando la policía los llamaron! Maldita sea! No asustes así a tus progenitores!"

(For the name of the lord! "Where have you been?! Your parents almost had a heart attack when the police called them! Damn it! Don't scare your parents like that!")

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