The beach

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The sand in between my toes tickled as I walked toward the clear blue water, the sky was cloudless, filling me with excitement for the next wave to come forward.

"Hey Emma, come over here!" Yelled a tall, tanned boy with dark brown hair and light blue eyes. " I'll be there in a second Marcus!" I bent over to pick up my surf  board and waddled over to where my friend group was standing.

When I got there Marcus and another boy were wrestling, Marcus pushed the shorter blond boy over. Marcus put his foot on the boys chest and put his arms up showing off his muscles, like he had just won a professional wrestling match. "Okay, okay we get it Marcus" Sam said pushing his foot off of him.

"Just trying to let the lady's know who's better" Marcus said gesturing to my other friends standing around watching him. They chuckled, whispering something in each other's ears. One of my best friends Amy walks up to me, "Your brother needs help" she said tucking her red hair behind her ears.

"Well Amy, that's why you need to fix him, I mean you are his girlfriend after all" we laughed. " I'm trying Emma, he won't listen to me" she said teasing Marcus. "Hey Emma, Amy! I know you're talking about me!" Marcus yelled.

We turned around to see him running after us, we turn to face the water and dove in jumping into the waves of cool blue water. I land on my board barely touching the sand below me.

Me and Amy adjust our boards below us and paddle off into the ocean, just hoping to catch the perfect wave.

The slight wisps of water had just disappeared, so we just sat on our board and talked for a while, "So how IS it going with Marcus? Has he been driving  you crazy like how he has been my who-" Amy cut me off and said

"No things are good..." she looked away starting at the sky then looking down in the water, splashing it with her feet. "Is there something you're not telling me?" I said worried for what my brother could have done.

"Everything's fine Emma, chill!" Amy said, suddenly changing her tone of voice. "Ok" I said back quietly. The silence grew louder... I could have heard crickets chirping, even though we are in the middle of the ocean.

The waves started to send us farther into the deeper waters, I only realized until our friends had looked like little ants from where we were sitting. I looked around and noticed the sky was getting cloudier and a little darker so I started to say "Maybe we should head back.." but when I turned to look at Amy I saw she had already started to paddle back to shore.

I let out and " ugh", rolled my eyes a little and headed back to the beach.

When my fingertips finally grasped into the sand, I knew I was close enough to the beach to walk. I looked around and saw Amy walking back to the beach house with Marcus. They seemed an awkward amount of space apart for girlfriend and boyfriend, and they weren't holding hands like usual, so I knew something was up with them.

I started to head back with some of my other friends, my board was getting heavy, so I hurried back quickly, a little bit faster than the pace. My other friends were walking.

When I got to the house, the door handle was wet and slippery with some sand on it. I opened the door, but stopped because of the yelling I heard.

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