The cliff

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The Wind had died down by the time I stepped outside. I saw Sam throwing pebbles in the water, "Hey Sam!" I said catching him off guard. "Oh, hey Emma!" He said back. "Are you ready for our walk?" "Sure" I said.

"We shouldn't go too far, because what if the storm comes back?" Sam nodded his head in agreement. "Ok, let's take trail GreenWood." Sam said "Ok" I replied. I walked closer to him and we started to walk down the stone pathway.

An hour later

Me and Sam arrived at a cliff, we usually stop and look at the view for a while here. But the storm was coming back again so we just started to head back home, but Sam stopped me, and pulled me back to the cliff side.

"Wouldn't this be a nice place to cliff jump? Look at how beautiful this is!" Sam said, it looked like he was hypnotized. I looked down, the water seemed so far down.

"I guess" I said. "But you shouldn't do that right now" my voice was shaking, it was so cold and I was still upset about Amy. Sam disagreed "Why not?" He said. "Number one, it's FREEZING! Number two it's too far down and I just want to go home!" I said the tears started to form in my eyes.

"Emma. You know you can tell me anything, I can tell something is wrong!" Sam commented. "THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME! Can't you see I'm perfectly fine! I'm just tired". I blurted almost interrupting him.

"EMMA! I know somethings wrong, why can't you trust me? I'm your boyfriend, you're supposed to tell me things!"  Sam grabbed my shoulders. I couldn't believe how fast the conversation has changed.

He was demanding me at this point. My heart was racing, and tears formed in my eyes. The big burning lump in my throat didn't help either.

"Ugh, you're right." I said obviously not trying to change the subject again.

Sam grabbed my arm steering me closer towards the edge of the cliff, motioning for me to sit down. I dangled my feet off the edge.

"Lately I feel like Amy has been avoiding me..." the silence grew louder. I continued "She just randomly snaps at me and I don't know why! She is just not a great friend right now"

"Well sometimes Marcus gets mad at me too" Sam said pulling me into a side hug.

"Sam it's cute that you are trying to help, but that's different, girls handle things differently and the fighting is just more...dramatic for Amy."

My eyes were glassy and I looked up from staring at my feet, Sam was looking at me. All I saw were his  big puppy dog eyes, 'they are so cute' I thought.

I was drawn to him, and felt my self going closer to Sam, he was coming closer to me too. He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him.

He was almost touching my lips when I heard a twig snap, I shot up, my head snapped around, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. My eyes finally focused and I saw Amy. Standing in the pathway. Her eyes like glass and her mascara running.

"If that's how you really feel about me then maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore..." her voice was bitter and cold. I couldn't spit out any words, I just stood there and watched her walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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