The fight

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I twisted the handle to open the door ajar, so I could see where Marcus and Amy were in the house. The floor creaked where I stood and everything went silent.

"Hello?" Amy yelled "is anyone there?" She sounded afraid. "It's me Emma!" I yelled back. Trying to sound like I had heard nothing.

My heart pounding, palms sweaty, and the water droplets rolling off my nose. I wakes up to Amy and said "Please tell me what's wrong! I can help you" "NO YOU CAN'T, JUST STOP GETTING UP IN MY BUSINESS!". 

I had never heard Amy yell that loud and passionate before. "WELL IM SORRY FOR TRYING TO HELP MY BEST FRIEND." I said trying to make my point.

I head a door open from upstairs, it was my brother. He came out and said "Everyone just SHUT UP!" The room fell silent once again, I never knew Marcus
could be so serious.

I looked at Amy, tears started to form in her eyes.
Suddenly my head hurt. I said "Fine... im going to my room" then all you could hear were my footsteps receding from the room.

The door slammed behind me, I jumped because that want intentional. I leaned my back up against the door, wanting to sob immediately. But I didn't.

'What did I do?, how do I stop, making her mad?'. I grasped my head in my hands, I started to cry, but stopped when I felt the door open behind me.

"Emma, are you in here?" Sam said in a whistle tune absolutely clueless about what had just happened. I let out a little "Yeah". Sam opened the door a little more, and started talking. "Ugh, all I wanted to do was surf- ... oh" he saw me on the floor. "Are you ok Em?"

He said with the smallest voice ever. I love it when he calls me 'Em'. "Umm, yeah" I said wiping the small tear from my eye. I got up and swept the sand from my butt and legs and stood up. "You need a hug" Sam said. "No I'm fine, thanks though" I said.

The room was silent, I actually needed that hug right about now so I said "Could I still have that hug?" "Of course" Sam said back. He pulled me in and squeezed me tightly into him. We stood like that for at least a minute.

Then I let go "Sorry I'm still a little bit wet from the ocean" I said embarrassed. "Em, does it look like I care?" Sam said. "Well I don't know" I said back, Sam giggled. "What?" I said. "I was being sarcastic, silly" Sam said. "Oh, well how was I supposed to know that?" I said back.

"You are one crazy girl" Sam said he paused for a second, and then said "well, that IS why you're my girlfriend". Sam pulled me into a hug, thane kissed me on the cheek, giving me butterfly's.

"The storm cleared, and I am going on a walk. You're free to join me if you want." Sam said. "I will, but can I get some clothes on first?" I said. "Of course!" He said.

"Ok, see you outside then!" I said. "Cya!" Sam said back.

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