Chapter 10 - Morning

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Mike woke up, his head absolutely pounding, letting out a soft groan as he opened his eyes. As he went to move he felt something stopping him, and he looked down to see Will still lay asleep. His eyes widened as he looked around and noticed that he wasn't in his room, a sudden wave of confusion and a little bit of disgust washing over him. He looked down to see that his arms where still wrapped around Will, and he remembered everything from last night and realized what was going on.

He just cuddled with a man for the entire night? What would his mother think of him? What would Lucas and Dustin think of him?

"What the fuck. . ." He mumbled, quickly pushing Will off him and getting up, Will waking up as he felt Mike moving.

"What's wrong?" He murmured, looking up at Mike sleepily.

"Wh- Why was I in your bed? What happened last night?" Mike stammered, deciding it was best to just pretend he didn't remember what happened, "When I woke up we were literally cuddling. . . That's gross." He grimaced.

"Wh- You- Last night you-. . . Wait, do you not remember anything from last night?" Will frowned, seeming disbelieving.

". . .No?" Mike hesitated.

"Oh. Um, well, you got drunk and we had a small talk. . . You opened up about your dad and I opened up about mine. . . You basically called me a slur and then felt bad and came into my room and gave me a hug, then you decided you were tired and fell asleep." Will told him.

"Fell asleep hugging you?" Mike asked.

". . .Well obviously." Will dead panned.

"Ugh, fuck. . . Ew, that looked so gay." Mike scowled.

". . .Ew?" Will frowned, his heart dropping as he saw the disgusted look on Mike's face.

"Yeah, ew." Mike snapped.

"Oh." Will murmured, now feeling quite upset.

"Ugh, I'm leaving. That- That was weird. Bye." Mike told him, giving him a small, sort of fake smile before leaving.

Will watched the door close and felt tears gather in his eyes. Just as he thought he might have found someone that actually wanted to be his friend they turned out to be homophobic. Great.

He picked up his phone and let out a small sigh of relief as he realized it was Saturday. He got up and deicided to just make breakfast.

"May aswell just eat my feelings away." He mumbled to himself, leaving his room and heading over to the kitchen.

He decided to just make some toast, not having the energy to make anything else. He grabbed some bread and stuck it in the toaser, waiting for it to cook. While he was waiting he decided whether to have peanut butter or regular butter, and he decided to just do regular.

"God, why is this stupid thing taking so long." He scowled, looking at the toaster and giving it a small smack.

The toast sprung out as Will smacked it, Will letting out a small shriek as he didn't expect it.

"Jesus Christ." He murmured, quickly buttering it and sitting down at the small table, just sitting on his own and eating his food.

He took a small bite of his food and thought back to a few minutes ago, his heart beginning to ache as he remembered the look of disgust on Mike's face. As he was eating he heard the sound of a door opening, but he just ignored it and carried on eating.

"Hi. . ." Mike murmured as he walked over to the table. Will ignored him and just continued to eat his food.

"You just gonna ignore me?" Mike asked.

". . .I might." Will mumbled.

"Dude, I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just- I don't know, I just didn't expect to wake up in your bed?" Mike scoffed.

"Yeah, well I didn't expect to wake up to you being disgusted at the sight of me." Will snapped, "You know, I was actually starting to think you were okay, Mike." He frowned.

"You were starting to think I'm okay?" Mike scoffed.

"Yeah, I was! Last night you were so nice to me and then this morning you just ruined it!" He snapped, tears forming in his eyes.

"What do you mean? Wh- What happened last night?" Mike stammered.

"Can you stop acting like you don't remember anything that happened last night? You weren't even that drunk so stop acting like you were. I'm not stupid." Will spat, "Why are you acting like you don't remember anything that happened? It's not even like anything weird happened!" Will scowled.

". . .Because I'm embarrassed, okay? I'm embarrassed because I've never told anybody about my dad. You're just some guy I met like a week ago and I'm telling you all this shit about me! I'm embarrassed!" Mike scowled.

"I've never told anybody about my dad either but I didn't act like a complete dick to you, did I?" Will snapped.

Mike stared down at him for a moment before letting out a small irritated sigh, not really knowing what to say.

"And to answer your question from last night, my dad was right. So thanks for making me feel like absolute shit this morning, Mike." Will spat, taking one last small bite of his food before leaving.

Mike stared at him and let out a small groan, now beginning to feel bad about everything that he had said.

"Fuck. . ."

{Word Count: 903}

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