Chapter 5: Blood on the Streets

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Zack: The air was thick with the scent of rain and impending doom as we walked home from the library. Dani, Gabby, Ryan, and I had spent the afternoon researching anything that could help me understand my visions. We were all on edge, feeling the weight of the dark clouds hanging overhead, both literal and figurative.

As we turned onto Maple Street, the familiar comfort of our neighborhood did little to ease my anxiety. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. My skin prickled with unease, and I kept glancing over my shoulder, expecting to see something—or someone—lurking in the shadows.

"Zack, are you okay?" Ryan asked, his voice breaking through my thoughts.I forced a smile. "Yeah, just tired. Let's get home before the rain starts."

We walked in silence, the usual chatter between us replaced by a heavy, unspoken fear. We were all thinking about the masked killers, the group I'd seen in my visions. I knew it was only a matter of time before they made their move.

As we approached the corner of Elm and Maple, I froze. A flash of a vision hit me—a dark alley, a struggle, a flash of a blade. My breath caught in my throat, and I grabbed Dani's arm."We need to take a different route," I said, my voice urgent.

Dani looked at me, her eyes wide with concern. "Why? What's wrong?""Just trust me," I pleaded. "Let's go the long way."Ryan frowned but nodded. "Alright, let's go."

We turned down Oak Street, trying to shake off the feeling of impending danger. But as we walked, the rain began to fall, a slow drizzle that quickly turned into a downpour. The streets were empty, the sound of our footsteps swallowed by the rain. That's when I saw them.

At the end of the street, four figures emerged from the shadows, their faces obscured by masks. The air around them seemed to thicken with malevolence. My heart pounded in my chest, and I knew without a doubt that these were the killers of my visions.

"Run!" I shouted, grabbing Dani's hand and pulling her with me. Gabby and Ryan followed, their breaths coming in panicked gasps as we sprinted down the street.

We darted into an alley, the walls closing in around us. I could hear the footsteps behind us, steady and relentless. My mind raced, trying to think of a way out. We turned corner after corner, but it felt like we were only getting deeper into the maze of alleys.

Suddenly, Ryan stumbled, his foot catching on a loose cobblestone. He went down hard, and before I could react, the killers were upon us. The one leading the pack—the Butcher—stepped forward, his mask glinting in the dim light.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted, stepping in front of Ryan.

The Butcher tilted his head, a cruel laugh echoing from behind the mask. He raised a hand, and the others moved in, their masks hiding their expressions but not their intent.

Dani screamed, but the sound was cut off as the Harpy clamped a hand over her mouth. Gabby struggled, trying to break free from the Reaper's grip. The Siren stood back, watching with a sick sort of satisfaction.

"Zack, help!" Ryan's voice was desperate, his eyes wide with terror.

I lunged forward, but the Butcher's hand shot out, grabbing my arm. Pain exploded through my shoulder as he twisted it, forcing me to the ground. I could see the glint of a blade in his other hand, and my mind screamed with the knowledge of what was about to happen.

But then, just as quickly as it had started, it was over. The killers melted back into the shadows, their task complete. I scrambled to my feet, rushing to Ryan's side.

Blood pooled on the wet pavement, mingling with the rain. Ryan's eyes were glazed, his breaths shallow. I pressed my hands against the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, but it was no use."Ryan, stay with me," I begged, my voice breaking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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