Chapter XVII

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          Phillip hears talking from the living room, following the source of the noise and seeing Sal and Travis sitting down in two separate chairs. Their words are significantly hushed, as if anyone could be lurking around. Phillip rolls his eyes. He is the one 'lurking' in this situation. He takes a step forward, clearing his throat and watching as both Sal and Travis jump at the sound and turn to face him. "Oh! How long have you been there?" Sal asks, eyes wide in surprise and his hands fidgeting nervously.
           Travis, on the contrary, is a lot calmer than the boy sitting across from him, giving a small glance to Sal with a harsh look in his eyes. Phillip shrugs, putting his gloved hands in his pockets and fixing his posture so his bag sits comfortably on the crook of his neck. "Not long. Followed the noise of you guys whispering when I first got here. When do you two wanna go? Or do you need a few more minutes to talk amongst yourselves?" He mumbled, his stare blank at the both of them.
             Sal stands quickly, shaking his head. "No! We are too. We can go now." He says just as fast as his movements, grabbing his own small bag on the floor next to his chair.
             Travis nods along, standing up and walking to his kitchen, an already prepared water bottle on the counter. "Do you want to eat something small before we leave? We might be out for a while." Travis says, grabbing the bottle of water and walking over to Sal to put it in his bag.
           Phillip nods, not seeing Sal's reaction and sitting on the counter. "I have extra snacks for when we are out, I'm fine." He says, kicking his legs lightly.
            Travis nods, and he grabs his key. "Cmon then, let's go. We have a bit of a walk to do." He mutters, waving the two bluenettes over to follow him.
            Phillip pushes himself off of the counter, Sal walking alongside him out the door. He watches the ground, worried about what the future brings.

            Travis leads the way through the woods behind the Phelps church, a flashlight in hand for when it gets too dark or hard to see. An hour seems to pass by before Travis suddenly stops in his tracks, making Phillip follow suit and hold a arm out in front of Sal to stop him from walking. Sal bumps into his hand before looking up, giving him a questioning look then trailing his eyes to Travis, who was still staring in front of him. "Did you find something?" Phillip asks, and Travis nods and turns his head to the two boys behind him.
            He steps out of the way, revealing a large building hidden by moss and vines. It looks like it hasn't been touched in years. Phillip automatically starts to walk further past Travis, putting down his arm that was previously holding back Sal. Travis doesn't protest, giving Phillip a flashlight and pulling two more out of his bag for Sal and himself. "Are you ready to go inside?" Sal asks Phillip, who was practically bouncing on his heels.
"Mhm, let's go." Phillip answers eagerly, not waiting for a answer before he is walking to the door, which is covered in moss and overgrowth.
He glances over to his right, and a cross is just shown over the vines covering it. He shudders, before ripping down some of the overgrowth holding the door in place. He opens the door, entering the building and clicking his flashlight on, not checking to see if Travis or Sal is following behind. He just wants to explore. Chairs are stacked in the main room, as if there was some sort of old meeting taking place. The vines from outside has started to creep into the building, covering the edges of the walls in plants. Phillip waves his flashlight around, two other streams of light eventually joining him as he walks around. He trips suddenly, helping and falling to his knees. He kneels, checking his leg and knee for any scrapes or bruises as Sal walks over with his flashlight shining on Phillip. "Are you alright? Did you trip on some vines or something?" Sal asks, helping Phillip up.
Phillip nods, getting a better hold on his source of light before checking where he tripped. A loose plank of wood seemed to have caused it, he realizes. He kicks the plank away, revealing steep stairs leading down to what looked to be a basement. "Travis," Phillip calls, "We found something!"
Travis rushes over, a bit more cautious by how his eyes darted around anxiously. "Huh, what?" He asks, stopping when he catches sight of the basement.
Phillip starts to walk down the stairs, admittedly glad Sal and Travis are with him. He wouldn't of gone down by himself. He sees Sal follow, then Travis, their shadows temporarily getting rid of the flashlights bright source of visibility. Phillip finally reaches the bottom step, glancing around and putting his hand to the wall. Concrete. "These look like tunnels." Sal remarks, and Phillip agrees.
"I don't have a good feeling about this, we should go..." Travis mutters, but Phillip shakes his head quickly.
"No! Please, can we keep going? We just started! It was just getting good!" Phillip pleads, and after a couple minutes Travis sighs but begrudgingly agrees.
Deeper they go. Phillip drags his hand against the concrete wall as they walk, letting it act as some sort of guide until it's not just concrete anymore. He suddenly freezes, and Sal turns to face him. "What is it?" He asks.
Phillip wraps his hand around the new found material. Cold metal bars, he recognizes. Almost like a... he backs away quickly, shining his light on what he was holding onto. It is a cell. Phillip shivers, waving the other two boys over, and almost as quickly as they came over they were dragging him away, Travis rambling about how unsafe it is to try to check out something like that.

Authors note: hello! Thank you for those that have been so very patient with me, I am aware of the long break I have taken with this book. I will continue this book, and I'm also working on a couple of others at the same time. I hope to work up a schedule for posting, but unfortunately right now they will be a bit wonky. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it took a little while.
Word  count: 1099 words in total

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