Chapter 11 - Lucas and Dustin

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"Fuck. . ." Mike murmured, not sure what to do to make the situation any better.

He paused for a moment before deciding to call Lucas and Dustin as they were usually able to slap some sense into him. He decided to call Lucas first as he was more likely to pick up.

"The fuck do you want?" Lucas grumbled, obviously just woken up.

"Um, I need help. Can you come over?" Mike frowned, Lucas pausing for a moment before letting out a small irritated sigh.

"God, I absolutely hate you sometimes. Yes, I'll be over in ten." He grunted.

"Thanks! Bye!" Mike smiled, quickly ending the call and calling Dustin.

Dustin didn't pick up the first few calls and declined a few before finally picking up, obviously very annoyed.

"Can you please let me eat my breakfast! My God, all I can hear is you ringing me!" Dustin scowled.

"I don't care about your breakfast, please can you come over? I need your help with something." Mike scoffed.

"Erm, sure? Is Lucas coming over aswell?" Dustin frowned, sounding slightly skeptical.

"Yeah." Mike nodded.

"Okay. . . I'll be over in like, five minutes." Dustin sighed, Mike grinning and saying a quick goodbye.

He looked around his room and noticed how messy it was, quickly getting up and giving it a small clean. He waited about five minutes before hearing a knock on the front door, immediately going up to get it.

"This better be urgent. I woke up for this." Lucas scowled, pushing past Mike and walking over to his room.

"I agree, I had to stop eating my cereal for this. It wasn't even soggy yet!" Dustin scowled.

Mike just scoffed and shut the door behind them, following them over to his room and shutting the door behind them all.

"So?" Lucas sighed as he lay down on Mike's bed, looking up at Mike impatiently.

"I don't really know how to say this." Mike grumbled, "It's- It's about El and Will." He sighed.

"Um, okay? What's the big deal?" Dustin frowned.

"So. . . You know the way I've had a date with El and last night we were like, you know, making out and shit." Mike sighed.

"Um. . . Yeah?" Lucas frowned.

"I like her, yeah, but I just- I don't know. I keep feeling something. . . weird. And it's not around her." Mike murmured.

"What is it? Who's it around?" Dustin asked, now very intrigued.

"Wh- Well, I- I wanna ask you something before I tell you." Mike stammered, Lucas and Dustin sharing a confused look.

"Go on?" Dustin frowned.

"What's your opinion on. . ." Mike hesitated, "Gay people. . ?" He mumbled.

". . .WHAT?" Lucas shrieked, Dustin slapping his arm and clearing his throat.

"Wh- Well, it's not something I've ever really thought about, but I don't hate them or anything." Dustin shrugged, Lucas just nodding along in agreement.

"Um. . . Okay." Mike nodded, opening his mouth to say something before hesitating and shutting his mouth again.

"So, who are you feeling weird around?" Dustin asked, having a feeling he already knew the answer.

". . .Will." Mike murmured, looking slightly ashamed as he uttered Will's name.

"Wh- Why are you feeling weird around him?" Lucas frowned, not really sure what else to ask.

"I don't know. . . It's like- Every time I'm around him it's like I wanna be super close to him and I wanna impress him, it's weird. I don't like it. I really don't like it." He sighed.

"Dude, you probably just like him. It's okay if you do." Dustin sighed.

"I don't wanna like him! He's a boy, Dustin! I'm not a fucking weirdo." He snapped.

"I'm not trying to upset you Mike, but if you feel the way you're saying you feel, I'm pretty sure you are 'a weirdo.' It's okay to be gay, y'know. Nobody's gonna hate you because you are." Lucas sighed.

Mike just looked down at them both before letting out a small sigh, sitting down on the edge of his bed and staring down at his hands.

"I don't care if people are gonna hate me or not, I just don't wanna be gay. I don't want to like him. I wanna like El and go out with her and be normal!" Mike frowned.

"I know that, but if you really are gay then there isn't much you can do about it." Lucas sighed, placing a gentle hand on Mike's shoulder.

"Maybe you should just talk to Will, tell him how you feel. It would feel good to tell him." Dustin shrugged.

"Are you actually out of your mind?" Mike scoffed, looking over at him in disgust.

"Dude, it would lift a huge weight off your chest. Just do it." Lucas shrugged.

"No! In case you forgot, I'm still meant to be head over heels for El!" Mike scowled.

". . .Oh shit, I forgot." Lucas murmured.

"Yeah, exactly dumbass. I'm not just gonna go into Will's room and be like 'Hi, so I'm actually gay and have a big fat crush on you, even though I'm meant to be dating your sister!' Am I?" Mike scoffed.

Lucas let out a small laugh and shook his head, Mike scowling down at him and looking away from him.

"Dude, why don't you just go and talk to him. You don't need to tell him anything, just talk to him. Since you're clearly figuring things out it might help to talk to the man who has you questioning everything." Lucas chuckled.

". . .I can't really do that." Mike cringed.

"Mike. What did you do?" Dustin glared up at him.

"After you all left we kinda like, opened up to each other I guess, we talked about our parents and shit. And he said something about his dad calling him a- well, I shouldn't really tell you, but I basically called him a slur by accident." Mike sighed.

"Mike, what the actual fuck?"

{Word Count: 980}

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