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I just kept quiet as Mr Kaow continued shouting at me. There was no way in hell I was going to retaliate and just end up embarrassing not only him, but myself too. I pinched my nose bridge in frustration as he continued to rant about how my brother had seduced Metas.

He started talking crap about my parents and that was when I lost it. I was about to retaliate when I heard Win. "Are you done already?"

Mr Kaow stopped and turned, only to see Win marching up to me. He looked at me and just muttered, "You don't have to see that it is my father. He is not being respectful towards you. Just behave how he does and teach him a lesson."

"Win.. I cant really.."

"If you cannot, I will do it then since its my father."

"What do you think you are doing? Metas and Jesse are dating but why are you not losing your shit at them and coming after me and Jeff? You meddled with our careers, shouted at us in private and now in public too? Are you done, Pa? Or is there anything else left to do?"

"Win.. Look, Metas is young, he is innocent."

"NO, FUCK THIS. Your son is not as innocent as he seems. If anything, the innocent party here is Jeff. Are you going to leave now or should I call the cops on you?!"

"You will not dare.."

"Try me, PA. Try me. I got the same temperament streak as you. Just try me."

I watched as Jeff's dad just walked off angrily. Win gripped his fists tightly in a bid to calm himself down. He told my manager and his to ban his parents from visiting the studios moving forth. Plus to call the police if they did.

He turned to look at me.

"I know you are being polite. But stop letting him or my mother walk all over you. If you do that, they will do it for life. And you don't deserve it."

I just nodded. Win apologized to me before he left. My manager told me to take the day off whilst he tries to talk to the producers again over my cancelled jobs. It did not make sense I was in the firing line for a personal affair. I was walking towards my car when I saw Win heading to his.

"Win, heading home?"

"I am going back to my own place. Metas said he wants to stay with Jesse in your place for a bit. Is that fine?"

"Of course. Do you want to stay at mine too for a bit?"

"No, it is fine. I be ok. Just help me keep an eye on Metas."

I nodded. I watched as he walked off, getting into his car and driving off. I sighed as I got into mine and headed home. The rest of the day was uneventful but something kept niggling away at me. I just could not place my finger on it but felt like something was just off. I worked on my music when I got home. Thankfully my manager called back saying he managed to salvage the jobs so that was a plus. I was immersed in my work when I got a call around 5pm from Jesse. He sounded distraught on the phone and when I pursued further, he told me that Metas had chosen to end things with him and went back home.

I was stunned; why would Metas even do that? I tried to call Win but he did not answer the phone. I tried multiple times but it all went to the voicemail. Jesse came back home and was very distraught. I tried to coax more out of him and he just said, that he was at work when Metas messaged him to say that he wanted to end the relationship and that he was going home. What? I was just confused. We decided to go check on Metas at his house.

Throwing all caution to the wind, we drove up to Win's place. It was eerily silent. I parked the car and we both went up to the front door. We knocked on the door but there was no sound. Eventually, someone opened the door but that was when I gasped! It was Win and his face was completely bruised.

"WIN? WHAT HAPPENED?" I finally lost it.

"What...what are you doing here?" Metas must have heard my voice and came running down. He did not look any better but Win clearly got the brunt of it.

"I am asking, what happened? Why are both of you so bruised? No, you look beaten up. What happened? I thought you went home?"

Win did not want to answer me and asked me to go home instead.

"Go home Jeff. Bring Jesse and go home now. Please. Just go. I promise you my parents will not bother you or Jesse again but just go. But Metas.. he cannot be with Jesse. I hope you understand. I am sorry Jesse. But please go."

I was so confused. I refused to move. Win tried pushing me out when we heard his father. I turned and his dad was coming up the walkway.

"What are you doing here?"

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YOUR SONS?" I had completely lost it and yelled at him. Win's dad was stunned and took a step back.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK TO ME LIKE THIS. DO YOU..KNOW" Before he could continue, I had thrown a punch at him! Everyone gasped! There was this bout of fitful silence.

"That's it. They are coming with me and will be with me moving forth. My brother will continue to be with Metas. And there is no way in hell or heaven you are stopping it. If you lay your hand on Win or Metas one more time or try to come anywhere near them, I am lodging a report on you."

I turned to look at Win who was stunned. I just grabbed his hand and told Metas to follow us. Metas hurriedly ran to Jesse and all 4 of us just went off. I drove home, quaking in anger. Once we stopped at my condo, I told the boys to bring Win up first. Once they left, I finally let out the breath and leaned my head on the wheel. I had completely lost the plot earlier but this was just too much. I was shaking when I felt my door open. I looked up to see Win standing at my driver's door. He beckoned me to come out. I switched off the engine and got out, only to have him hugging me tightly.


"Shhh.. Just let me be."

I didn't say anything and just let Win hold onto me. A few seconds later, I wrapped my own arms around him, holding him tight.

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