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Jesse and I headed straight back home. My dad was surprised to see us, but before he could say anything, I had punched him straight in his face!

"What do you think you are doing?!" My dad roared at me! But before I could answer, Jesse had jumped on him too, screaming about how he could bring himself to try and kill someone and then gloat about it!

My dad staggered back from Jesse's punch too but before Jesse could land another on his face, he grabbed Jesse's hand and went, "What the fuck are you on about? What murder? What are you on about?"

"Stop acting, Pa. Mr Kaow is in the hospital now and it's all because of you. You got the car to be run over him and you still called to gloat?! Are you that dead set against Jesse and Metas that you will do anything?!"

My father just stood up, confused.

"What are you saying? I just landed in Thailand today after being away for the last 3 days. And yes, I am against Jesse and Metas being together, but even I wouldn't go to the extent of actually hurting them. What more Metas's father? What are you on about?"

My father's voice had gotten dangerously low. I was stunned and took a step back. Jesse didn't believe him and lunged forward, but I held him back.

"But Win's mother said the call had come from the house today.."

"I haven't been home. I just got home at 10.30 pm. See my flight ticket." My dad went to grab his boarding pass and threw it at us. Jesse took it and read it, his face turning pale. Then who did it?

"Pa.. but..."

"Was it our car?"

I kept quiet. I didn't know that for sure. My dad told me to call Win and find out. I called him, and after a very testy phone call with his mother screaming away in the background, I got the details. It was a black Mercedes but with a sticker on the back that "To God be the Praise."

My heart dropped. Jesse was stunned. My dad was stunned, too. Just then, my mother came back from shopping.

"Hey sweetie, when did you come?"

She called out to us cheerfully. I turned around to see my mom, smiling away warmly at me, her black Mercedes in our driveway.

"Why did you do it, Ma? Why did you do that to him?"

That was all I could utter before I grabbed her car keys from her and threw my dad's boarding pass in her face.

"Why would you frame your own husband and try to kill another man? Over what? Over the fact that your son is dating someone?"

My mom fell silent. She tried to speak but I told her to keep quiet.

SHUT UP MA. JUST SHUT UP. You acted all innocent, all sweet, pretending to accept us and then you do this?! Do you know how fucking low this is?!"

I couldn't help it. I staggered back in pain, nearly falling over my dad who held onto me, whispering my name. Jesse was so stunned that he didn't know what to do. He just fell onto the floor, crying.

I looked at my dad who just looked hardened, a steely gaze coming over his eyes. He pulled me up.

"Take Jesse and leave."


"Take Jesse and leave. That's the biggest punishment you can give her as a child."

"Dear.. no.. don't do this.. they are my boys.."


I had never heard my father roar that loudly before. He called the cops whilst pushing me and Jesse out.

"Go to the hospital. Stay there. I will come shortly. Even if Win or Metas try to chase you out, just stay there."

I nodded, grabbing Jesse and leaving. My mom tried to stop us and my father just slapped her once. Then twice. Then a 3rd time when she fell to the floor.

I briefly turned back as I walked off, well aware that my own mother had just tried to sabotage her both sons lives and meddle with a man's life.

All for what? Her ego? Her anger? Her frustration?

The worst part, she had dragged in her husband of 20 years into this without him even knowing. That was the lowest blow of all.

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