Its probably going to be ok

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My drawing up above!

Fist HH fanfic so pls don't judge, there will be more chappters to come!


"Why won't this stop bleeding?" Alastor muttered as stumbled into his broken down radio tower. As he laid down on the ground he started to doze off. He was just about to fall asleep when a voice called out to him. Alastor! What the heck are you doing? Wake up and start cleaning your wound! His shadow berated Alastor, Honestly I have more common sense than you and I'm not even alive! "Oh shush shadow." Alastor groaned. "Alrighty then, I'll take a look at what Adam did to us and you get bandages?" Alastor asked his shadow. HIs shadow nodded and disappeared. As he undid his clothes he gasped at the damage that Adam had managed to do to him.




"Did you really think that you could overtake adam?"

His thoughts gnawed at his conscience. He shook his head and turned his attention to his wound. Should he be supposed to be able to see his guts? Oh look, there are his lungs. As shadow appeared with his bandages and stitching supplies, he began to clean up the wound.

As soon as he was done he tried standing up, only to end up in the arms of Shadow as he fell. Are you good? "Yeah, I'm fine." Fine, yeah right, fine my a- "Shadow right now is not the time, I need to go before the get to suspicious."

"And we're doing it with a smile" Al sang, pointing to his smile for extra effect as he teleported to the group.

"Al!" Charlie yelled, giving him a bone crushing hug. Right where his wound was.

"Charlie! As much as I love you darling I can't breathe here!" He said, trying not to hurt her feelings.

"Oh Alastor! We thought you were dead!" She cried out. Yet you gave Sir Pentitious a mural and not me? He wondered. Well, they did always like him better. He just wasn't worth the time he guessed.

As he looked to the right he saw Lucifer glaring at him. "What's wrong? IS the air too cold for you down there?" Alastor jeered.

"Oh haha" The short king of ducks responded. "No, I was just wondering what the 'I love you' and the 'darling' was all about with my daughter."

"Well someone had to replace the role of father seeing her old one was unfit." Al responded looking down at him. It was a lie, but it made the shortie mad. Lucifer glared at him, about to retort when Charlie came running over.

"You two are getting along? Great! I can't wait to see the friendships this will spark!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Ah yes! I was just asking your father about his favorite pancake recipe!" Al said looking at the shorter as if daring him to disagree.

"Er- Yeah! Totally, yep!" Lucifer laughed nervously.

"Alright, well see you two later!" Charlie then raced off to go find vaggie to tell her the exciting news.

AS alastor turned around to head to his new room he bid farewell to Lucifer. "Goodbye shortie, see ya tomorrow." As the other shouted at him as he teleported away he couldn't help but smile, Lucifer sure was growing on him. As much as he pretended to hate him, deep down maybe there was another feeling?

Nah, probably just hate. He then appeared in his room where he then crumpled to the ground. His wound had been aching all day. Im fine he thought as he took the bandages off only to find that the veins and area surrounding the wound had started to turn golden.

Oh no.

Thanks for reading Pt. 1

See ya next time my little Duckies! <3

~I'm Fine~ A RadioApple storyWhere stories live. Discover now