Chapter 4 Part 8 'Whispering blackmail'

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(This part has some unsavory mentions of blackmail by way of nude photos)

Blue scooted his chair closer to Purple's bed, looking down at his lying calm body. He spoke again. "I hope I catch you when you do wake up.

It'd be a shame if I got caught because of you and your girlfriend, I heard from a little bird that your girlfriend stopped visiting. Guess that guilty feeling wore off, huh.. Hm" Blue sounded smug, finally Purple wasn't able to reply, to act like he was above him.

"Oh, hurts doesn't it Purple~ Silence for hours, do you feel violated when the nurses change your clothing? Shower you with wipes, change your bags." He spoke a bit lower now, just in case someone passed by.

"How many times have your parents visited? Twice? While I've visited three times a week, maybe even four. I've wasted so much gas on you, so many hours I could be spending on someone actually worth something.. You're just a useless flesh bag and bones, a vegetable."

Blue loved speaking this way with someone who couldn't respond, couldn't tell anyone, couldn't reply in a smug proud, snarky tone like Purple would reply

Blue continued.

"Who knows! Soon, maybe I'll be the only person who visits you! Wouldn't that hurt your fragile ego?" He squinted, "Then you'll be.." He stood up his knees bending straight as he reached up, placing a hand on Purple's chest, leaning his face by his ear.

"All mine." He whispered in his ear, a sneer on his lips. "Are you feeling pressure sores on your arms and back? Do you feel.. If I press my nails in your neck? Do you.. Feel my breath on your ear. I've always wondered if people in comas could actually hear and feel what's happening to them." He breathed slow hot breaths onto his ear, laughing before sitting back in his chair swiftly

He covered his mouth, hands shaking a little with excitement. "God.. If you ever do wake up, how about I make it into a game? After everything I've told you, everything I've said to you. Of course, you're going to tell everyone, anyone who'll listen. And- The police." Blue paused, putting his hands back on the armrests and settling into the chair. "But you won't stop at that, you're a man of justice now, right? Justice for Pink, for Cyan." Blue tilted his head, staring at Purple's hand that rested at his side, so calm.

"Come find me, come find me, and kill me," Blue stated calmly, clasping his hands together. "You love a challenge, and you hate me. You'll be doing two people justice! I've already weaseled my way into Cyan's head. Forced guilt upon him that was so heavy, he apologized for even mentioning Pink's name!" He closed his eyes.

"Statistically, you'll wake up eventually and ruin my plans. You weren't hit by a bus, just the sharp edge of a lamp I tried to kill you with. Whether that be a few days from now.. 2 weeks from now! A year! 5 years..! You'll ruin all I've worked for. I won't always be here. So after you ruin everything, and I run and escape the police." He paused again, smiling wide.

"Come find me." Blue lifted his head, standing up and leaning down over Purple, hands pressing into the bed. "Relish in the moment, be just like me! A killer, but the difference will be that you're doing the killing for justice, and I'll be doing it for love."

Blue leaned his head back down to Purple's ear. "I know you'll do it even if this whole time you couldn't hear a single word I've said, you won't just take several blows to your ego and not come to get it back from me." He grinned.

"If I see you settled down.." He placed a hand on Purple's chest. "With some nice women, in some nice quiet town, with a wife and kids.." He gripped Purple's sheets in a fist, whispering in his ear. "I'll consider that you've forfeited.. And this time, I'll actually make your death look like a suicide." Blue threatened

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