Jeff the killer x Reader (❤️)

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    Yo, just a heads up, these are KILLERS!!!! Not soft little UwU boys, this guy is brutal and kinda scary. So there will be cussing because come on, you've come this far and you can't be just now mad over swearing.

    ALSO!!! This reader in the fic will use no pronouns because anyone can read this and warm this killer's cold heart... or blade.


Backstory: You can Jeff met during quarantine, because yeah... you were in the woods behind your house and found him, he had tried scaring you by threatening your life but... you weren't stupid. You were gonna be alone, in the woods. So when that pasty white man raised his blade up to challenge you, you flashed him something that was a little more dangerous. Something that smelt of gunpowder, something you could buy while going to the store to get eggs, something you actually did buy while getting eggs as well. Let's say your threat won. It won not just the stare down between you and the killer, but also that cold, restless heart that killer had.

(Geez that coulda been a fanfic in itself this is 193 words-)

Your eyes fluttered open as you glanced at the window, there was barely any light peaking through as you sat up. Glancing at the clock which read 9:50 AM. That was strange. You shoved your sleeping partner's arm off your torso.

His snore stopped at a snort as he looked up at you, getting out of the bed. "What the hell are you doing? It's too early for this."

He grumbled, stretching lazily. You opened the blinds and looked out at the storm clouds. "It's almost 10 in the morning, you'll cope. I told you not to stay out late."

You huffed and put your pants on, stumbling a bit. Jeff stared at you before getting up out of the bed, slowly approaching. "You need to learn some respect?"

You mocked him quietly and crossed your arms. "I'm fully strapped in more way's than one, Punk." You spat, the tension arose between two as you two stood apart from eachother, just a few feet away before he chuckled. "Fine, fine. But you're making breakfast."

You stared at him silently, raising a brow. He sighed glaring at you. "I'll do the dishes after, alright? God." He walked off and you smirked, stalking behind him. Glancing back at your pillow, your gun still under it, you'll have to fix that again tonight before he sees it.

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