13) Acceptance

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Julio's POV

Ash has been avoiding me all day and I have a feeling she is going to talk to me later, I have this gut feeling about this, I think she wants to tell me something I don't want to hear.

I look around and stop to see that Jordan is being pulled into an alley way.

???'s POV

I walk up to the one kid... Bay any I think his name is. I pull him into an alley way and I start talking to him hoping no one would notice that he is gone.

"You're bay any, part of the cube group, right?" I ask him.

"It's Bayani but yea I'm apart of the cube." He pauses for a second, "why you asking?"

"That means you know the two faggots who were at the fucking park last night." I pause for a second so he can process what i'm saying.

"Do you mean Will and his tranny sister?" I nod.

Ash's POV

I am getting bombbarded by fans that are so happy to see me, to finally see what they thought was a handsome young man but is just a somewhat over weight weirdo that "can't" speak. I wish I wasn't a disappointment to everyone who came to see me today.

I look up when signing, feeling as if someone was staring at me. There's no one looking out of the ordinary and staring at me.

After signing things for a few more fans I take a break. I need some water. I go up to Dul since she has a water bottle and I point and try and get the water from her, I finally get the water and I take some large drinks.

"Hey! I said you can have a drink not the whole bottle" Dul practically shouts at me trying to get the water bottle back. I finally give in and I give her the bottle back. Suddenly some of the fangirls are quealing and chanting.

"AJ! AJ! AJ!" After a few moments of confusion from both me and Dul I realize. Its our ship name. Shit.

I don't know how to respond so I run over to Will. I whisper,

"help." He just chuckles and shakes his head a little, and this whispers back to me.

"You and Dul would look cute together." I walk away from him and I realize all the fangirls that were chanting Dul's and mine ship name, were all having an argument with some other fangirls who were chanting,

"Aslio! Aslio!" That I know. And that is Julio's and mine ship name. With this new development I facepalm hard. Like I hurt my face and hand.

I look over at Julio and he "jokingly" winks at me. So I look over at Dul.

I never realized how beautiful she is. Her hair is so long and it looks... so... soft.


I quietly decide to go to the washroom to freshin up. I start walking to the washrooms and I realize something when I get to them. There is only bathrooms for boys and girls. And were do I go?

I never think things through fully. I quickly send a text to Will.

Umm.. Random question. What washroom should I use?

I see him off in the distance a few seconds later.

"Which one do you want to go in?" He asks me right as he is in talking distance.

"The guys, but I don't know if anyone's in there." He nods and checks the washroom.

"No ones in there. So I'm guessing you want me to watch guard?" I nod, "ok."

I enter the washroom and I have never felt more comfortable in a washroom.

I look at myself in the mirror. I look ok, but I wish I could wash my face. The winged eyeliner would be gone and I put so much work in it.

You know what? FUCK MAKEUP!

I HAVE ALWAYS HATED MAKEUP BUT MY "FATHER" HAS ALWAYS PUSHED ME TO BE A GIRL! "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? A BOY? YOU ARE MY DAUGHTER!" He used to say to me after he got me makeup on my 14th birthday, everyday I didn't use it.

I wipe away the makeup and I see something I haven't seen in the mirror in years. I see acceptance from myself. I am finally accepting myself for who I am.

I am...

My thoughts are interuped by Will coming in and warning me, "Julio is coming this way." I nod at him and I glance at myself in the mirror and I smile, while I walk out of the washroom.

I give Julio a smile as Will and I walk past him.

We get back to the meet up and Will and I are surrounded by fangirls asking us where we were and what we were doing.

"Ash was using the washroom." was all that Will said but everyone calmed down and I looked over at Dul. She is currently looking at me, so I do what anyone would do and I wink.

I think I see a blush on her face as a man walks up to her and I think asks for her to sign something. He must be a dad of someone or something like that.



No long no read

Um yea sorry about the whole me not ever updating thing.

The summer is a terrible time for writing and shit like this for me

I hope you enjoyed this chap!!

Hey are you #TeamAJ? Or #TeamAslio?

I wanna see who y'all want ash to be with!!

Oh and I love ya guys!! You might not believe me but its true!!

I wish I had a lot of inspiration BC it would help a lot

But I love where I'm going with this story and I can't wait to see how it all goes down!!

BTW sorry for the late update

With lots of hugs and kisses!!


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