DAY 5: Partners in Crime

97 4 41

PROMPTS: Outer Space/ Astronauts/ Affection
PROMPTS CHOSEN: Outer Space + Affection
SUMMARY: Accidentally becoming wanted across the galaxy in the midst of an intergalactic war was not something Rui nor Tsukasa expected on their journey across the galaxy. But despite that, they can still find time to smother each other in kisses while being shot at!



"Tsukasa! Tsukasa, to the left!"

Tsukasa nodded, swerving their ship to the left to avoid a barrage of lasers. "Tell me where to go!"

Rui dashed across the control desk, pressing different buttons and typing random things. "Right!"

"Got it!"

Rui had to hold onto the panel to avoid slipping and falling as Tsukasa turned their ship, "Rui! Make a portal, hurry up!"

"I'm on it, I'm on it!" Rui hissed, continuing to run around the deck. "Man, if only Nene or Emu were here.."

"Aren't they the ones hunting us down?!" Tsukasa cried out, not taking his eyes off the window in front of him, as well as the wheel. "Why would you want them here?!"

Typing a set of coordinates onto a keyboard, Rui replied hastily. "I dunno, it was way easier with them here, though! Now one of us has to run around while the other controls the ship- press the button, it's ready!"

Tsukasa nodded, slamming his fist down on a red button at his side. From the front of a ship, a light burst through a nozzle, shooting out into the nothingness of space. It slowly formed into a circle, and then-

"Go in!" Rui yelled.

Tsukasa nodded, accelerating the ship and rushing towards the portal. As soon as they went through, with a few more lasers following, the portal diminished and closed shut, bursting into tiny particles of light before slowly fading. Rui and Tsukasa both sighed in relief, the blond setting the ship to auto pilot before standing up and walking over to Rui.

He whined quietly, wrapping his arms around Rui and burying his face into his neck. "That was tiring," He mumbled, his horns slowly growing shorter like tiny stubs- a sign that he was in fact tired.

Rui chuckled, patting the blond's head. "It's alright, my star," He replied, "We have some time to rest now. Or, come, let me steer the ship for a while. You go get some sleep."

Tsukasa looked up at Rui through tired, hazy eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Yup. Why, do you want to lay on my lap?"

Rui looked at Tsukasa with a playful eyebrow raise, chuckling. It was rare to see Tsukasa this sleepily, but it usually happened after a long cat and mouse game between other ships, like the one they just had.

Tsukasa nodded, leaning over Rui as his body slowly morphed, shifting into his alien form- a small, little purple blob that faded to a light blue with a bit of red tints with floppy ears that resembled devil horns and a tail. His right ear was surrounded with yellow diamond-like stars, slowly rotating around the horn-like ear like a floating little crown.

"('-').。oO  "

Tsukasa whined, wrapping his tail around Rui's neck as he rested atop his shoulder. The purple-haired boy chuckled, lightly patting Tsukasa's head as he moved towards the driver's seat. As he sat down, Tsukasa slowly crawled down to rest on Rui's lap. He closed his yellow eyes, wrapping his tail around himself and resting atop of it like a pillow, occasionally nipping on it as well.

Rui never understood why Tsukasa liked biting his own tail. He supposed it was just something that made him happy, though, so he wouldn't reprimand him for it. Besides, Tsukasa just had a habit of biting in general- he had probably lost count of how many times Tsukasa had bit down onto Rui's finger if he ever pointed at him. Sometimes, it even came in handy when fighting- biting down on someone's leg or arm with those sharp teeth of his did wonders to immobilize those others hunting them down.

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