Trusting Allies, Let's get over our Fears

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Ribbion was glazing out of the window, her eyes seeing the sun wake like a mermaid leaping out of the water, It wasn't until Glasan flew it, seeing her friend Sat like a dummy "Ribbion! What are you doing?!" Ribbion got started as she turned back to look towards Glasan as she huffed "I'm just glancing out the window ~desu was"

Ribbion said as Glasan looked away with some annoyance "Fine fine..." Glasan said as Ribbion smiled a little as she huffed "Thank you! ~desu was" Glasan grumbled to herself as she floated down, sitting on the counter.

"Rambleberries are my favourite!" Rambley expressed, his eyes gleaming with many stars, Hime sniggered proudly as she held it up "Really?" Rambley fluttered before his tail shot up like lighting "Hey! Don't you-" It was too late as Hime took a nibble out of the charming red fruit, the fluid trickling down her throat as she glammed in amusement.

 "Mph! Delicious..." She said dreamily as she put a hand on her cheek. Hime was too in her daydreaming when she didn't see Rambley go behind her "Hime-chan..." Hime tightened up and turned white like a ghost as she heard Rambley's angry voice behind her as he stared down at her.

"Oh Finley~" Megumi hummed out, kneeling in front of the large pond as her eyes softened, seeing the Soft golden eyes meld out from the water as she smiled softly "Hey! It's been a while hasn't it" Megumi asked cheerfully seeing the shy sea serpent sigh as he frowned softly "It's...been" He asked, his eyes blinking as Megumi put her hands in a sweeping motion on the side of her face. 

"It's been Great! Besides I'm Full of Happiness!" She kidded, taking her hand off her as she shifted to the Sea serpent "Say...Why don't you come along?" Megumi asked, outstretching a hand, Finley's face quavered before just then He smacked his hand with his tail, causing Megumi to get startled.

 "EH!? Finley?!" She said, looking back up only to see a giant wave after Finley dove back in, hovering over Megumi as she sweat-dropped, the birds were high up in the tree and it was completely fine- "AHHHHHH!!!"

Meanwhile, Yuko was looking at her hands, Blinking as she looked out the window, seeing that wave that Megumi was splashed with...Poor Megumi. It wasn't long until she huffed, her hand on the window as she glazed outside "...Maybe I can Help..." She said to herself, Finley was shy... too shy...Yuko did want to help and she was going to try.



Hime and Ioha exchanged Circumstance glimpses as they watched Yuko chattering rapidly to Megumi, imploring her to assist Finley in overpowering his shyness. Ioha interrupted the conversation by addressing Yuko, "Yuko..." Yuko looked back with confusion "Hai?" Hime spoke up, raising a finger "You've been talking for a good five minutes, you know." Yuko, taken aback, blinked in surprise and exclaimed, "Eh!?"

Meanwhile, Megumi was patting Yuko's back while silently expressing her bemusement, muttering, "It's not that bad." Hime chimed in with a playful pout, and Ioha couldn't help but face-palm at the scene. Nearby, Glasan and Rambley observed the interaction, with Rambley questioning, "What are they doing?" To which Glasan responded, "I have no idea."

- -

Salem let out a frustrated groan as she felt the relentless strings tightening around her, causing her to mumble in irritation. Hosshiwa, with a smug grin and malicious twinkle in her eyes, was spoiled, bratty and everything else you could describe as greedy. approached Salem with intentional steps, kneeling and cupping Salem's chin with a bratty expression, as if she had been deeply wronged. 

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