Chapter 3

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Do you want power?

Hakuno Pov :

'What should I do, I just told him to follow me and began to walk to my house, think, think, think up some bullshit....'

After walking for a while we reached my house, we sat in the living room awkwardly
"Would you like tea or coffee" I asked him, breaking the awkward silence

"T-tea" he answered stuttering

After I made tea for him and coffee for me I sat facing him, legs crossed, hands crossed ready to answer his questions.

<<Master you're being way too overdramatic," Ciel said in head

'you think?, yeah maybe I am, but this is Issei we are talking about he is probably looking at my panties since I'm sitting with my legs crossed' I voiced my thoughts to Ciel

<<.....yeah. it's 110% sure that's where he is looking>>

"*Cough* if you are finished peaking at my panties I can answer your questions you know" I said to him breaking him out of his thoughts

"I-i'm sorry, focus Issei, focus," he said to himself slapped his own face

"Who, no what are you and what is yuuma??" He asked face full of seriousness

'Ho so he has this kind of look too," Let me ask you this Issei do you believe in supernatural?" I asked classic dxd style

<<Seriously master that's the approach you're talking>> Ciel said to me

'Please if rias can do this I can do better,' I said back to Ciel 'and although perverted he is strong, if he had a little more mana and awakened his sacred gear then trained diligently he could have become one of the strongest since he can just double stack his stats' I said to her

(From double stack I mean unlike 2,4,6,8,10 he can do 2,4,8,16,32,64,128 and so on)

Timeskip -

After I explained about the great war, 3 factions, sacred gears and other things, Issei although overwhelmed he calmly just listened to my explanation

"I see so I been targeted for a thing I don't even know about, then her confession and-"

"It was all a plan to confirm that you indeed have a sacred gear, if you didn't they would have just wiped your memories about it" I interpreted him

"Then what about you how did you know about the date?, were you also waiting for the opportunity to take it after she killed me" Issei was now breathing very heavily and his heart rate was increasing like crazy

"Calm down Issei although I had my suspicions when I first met you, that is not it, you see I'm a mage and I was hunting down fallen angel in the area and I coincidentally stumbled on your date" I lied to him, god I'm so bad at this, I didn't think he would ask that,

Well it's not fully a lie since I was hunting down fallens to practice my powers last two days and because of thought acceleration even if I'm not fast, for me they are just too slow and there's also future attack prediction

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