Never in a million years

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"Okay Harry I need you to come to my office as quickly as possible. What I'm going to tell you is really important."

"Okay, Zayn, I'm already on my way."

With that, Harry hung up. Fuck, what was it this time? He knows Zayn, and if Zayn is slightly panicked, then it has to be bad.

Harry just has no idea what it could be. His new movie has gotten amazing reviews, and his fans love it as well.

The only thing Harry could think about was his family.

Shit maybe something happened to them; he had to get there fast.

With that, he quickly called an Uber and arrived ten minutes later at Zayn's office.

"Hi Zayn?" he offered, questioning.

"Oh, Harry, good that you are finally here. I know that today is not a good day for you."

It really wasn't.

He was supposed to visit his family for a week before he had to do some more promo for the movie he'd just released.

"It's okay; I know it's not your fault."

And Harry did. know that, because he would trust Zayn with his life.

The two of them have known each other since they were fourteen and met in a drama club.

It wasn't really anything luxurious because his family definitely didn't have the money for that.

But it was fun nonetheless. At one of their plays, there was an agent who discovered Harry.

Harry was seventeen at this point, and Zayn, who was already his best mate at that point, was already eighteen.

So the decision was pretty clear to Harry.

if he would do that, he'd want Zayn there as well. This is how Zayn became Harry's personal manager.

This made their bond even stronger, and Harry couldn't be happier with his decision.

He knows many other actors who don't have the freedom Harry has.

Back then, everyone used to tell them that they would never make it far because you couldn't mix business.

To say they proved them wrong would be an understatement.

Harry is now an A-list celebrity and one of the most wanted actors, even though he hates to talk about that.

It was still all so surreal for him.

From wondering if he would get enough food and sharing a two-room apartment with his whole family to being called one of the most

wanted men alive.

To be honest, Harry often wonders if he really deserves all of that.

"Harry, are you even listening?" Harry looked up.

He must've been completely in his thoughts.

"No, sorry Zayn, I was distracted. What were you saying?" He answered honestly.

"No worries mate, I was just saying that this is about your dating life and before you interrupt me, you know I love you, and you also

know I wouldn't do this if it wasn't necessary."

The thing was, Harry knew that he did, but he was scared of what Zayn was planning because the original plan for Harry in the next

few months was to finally come out.

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