Fuck you!

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When Harry's private jet arrived in London where his family lives now, his sister Gemma comes to pick him up.

Even though they don't see each other as often as they used to anymore they are still very close.

"Hey loser, good to have you back." Gemma said while hugging him.

It was good to be back and finally relax.

"Hey missed you too." Harry said smiling.

When they were sat in Gemma's car, the one Harry bought for her birthday ,Harry turned to Gemma.

"Okay I need to tell you before we arrive home because mom and dad can't know alright?" Harry explained urgently.

"Okay I got you what is it?"

"Okay so you know how my new movie letters to write has become really popular?" Harry asks.

"Yes of course Harry , how could I forget ." Gemma says sarcastically while laughing.

"I mean that was not my point but thank you. So what I was trying to say, the fans apparently picked up on some sexual tension between louis and me and now Zayn wants us to be in a pr relationship." Harry rushed out, wanting the confession to be over.

"Omg" Gemma states while laughing out loud.
"It's not funny Gemma." Harry whines.

"Of course it is. Do you know how often I heard you complain about him."

"Gemma it is not funny, how am I supposed to be around him, when he is such a dick all the time." He said frustrated.

Gemma's face turned more serious now. "Harry if you really don't want to do it you can just tell Zayn that. We both know it. So I'm going to ask you now if you'r so against it why haven't you told Zayn that?"she asked.

"Well.." Harry thinks, why had he even agreed to it? "I don't know. Zayn said the movie would profit from it." He says but sounds unsure

"Harry be both know that's not it so how about you tell me the truth so I can help you. Are you attracted to Louis?" She asked.

And what attracted to Louis Tomlinson god no. Why would she even asked that. He looks good but he never would admit that out loud. He is too cocky as it is. Harry wouldn't want to boost his big ego.

"What no! Gemma are crazy?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"It's just Zayn said that I wouldn't be alone when I come out." Harry said quietly.

Gemma looks at him with a sad expression. "Shit sorry Harry i forgot that you haven't yet. Im sorry i just... don't want you to get hurt like last time you were in a pr relationship. So one last time are you sure you're ready and definitely not attracted to Louis?"

"No" Harry answered quickly because he really wasn't. Even though he was quite good looking, hatte could never be attracted to someone with a character like his.
He wasn't excited to spend much time with Louis but he was relieved that he had someone by his side who already went through coming out to the world. Even if they couldn't stand each other.

"Okay Harry I trust you and who knows maybe Louis is nicer than you expect." Gemma says.

"Yeah maybe I doubt it though and please don't tell mom and dad I don't want them to worry."

Gemma nodded.

He knew if his parents would find out they would talk him out of it and suggest him to so a normal job.

The last time he got hurt they were his support system without them he'd have never made it back into business. He's very thankful he has them but Harry also knows that acting is the only thing he wants to do and won't stop it because of some silly pr relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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