1. Beginnings End

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The waves lapped calmly against the shore as the breeze ruffled the grass and trees. It was peaceful, it was tranquil. Everything seemed to be in order. The sky was a beautiful shade of azure and the sun shone down onto the land below. The salty smell of the sea permeated the air. The soft hum of the seagulls calling in the distance filled in the silence. The small fishing village of Cassardis stood proud and unafraid.
The people of the village were used to the sights and sounds of the ocean, of the fish jumping from the water and the waves crashing against the shore. It was a sight that brought peace and comfort to many. The warm sand on the beach and the cool ocean breeze made for an idyllic atmosphere. The sound of children laughing and playing in the sand only added to the charm. The boats bobbing gently in the water looked almost like toys from afar.

Everything was perfect. The people of the village were happy and content, living their lives as best as they could. It was small and simple, but it had a sense of community that couldn't be found anywhere else. Truly a place where everyone knew each other, and nobody felt alone or out of place. The fishing nets were always full of fish, and the houses were always in good condition.
Despite the simplicity and ease of life, there was always something that loomed in the background. Something that lingered just out of reach. But it wasn't enough to dampen the spirits of the people. They carried on with their lives as they always had, trying to make the most of their circumstances.

Such as it is the tale of a young woman, her raven black hair flowing behind her in the wind as she leaned over the edge of the docks. Her red eyes sparkling with delight at the sight of the vast expanse of water before her, the waves lapping at the wooden beams below. She peered over the edge, her gaze following the silvery threads that drifted in the depths below. Her fingers flexed, her stance lowered, the muscles in her back tensed visibly. Her pale skin rippled slightly in the sunlight, revealing the scars underneath.

Her chestnut colored pants creaked slightly as the fabric stretched in response to her movement, the sound muffled by the gentle currents of the ocean before the abrupt splash of her dive disrupted the waters surface. With a powerful kick, she brok free from the wooden planks of the dock, plunging headfirst into the sea below. Her arms outstretched, reaching for the nearest silver thread as it swayed lazily in the depths.
With a burst of energy, she propelled herself forward, her hands gripping tightly around the slippery flesh of the creature that awaited her. She held it tight as it struggled and fought, its gills pumping desperately to keep oxygen flowing. The faint tendrils of deep red hues flashed in the corner of her eye, signalling she had overstayed her welcome. With another strong stroke of her legs, she shot forward, the water streaming past her body in a rush as it carried her swiftly to the surface.
Breaching the water with a loud gasp, she heaved the wriggling creature out of the water, its tail slapping frantically in an attempt to dislodge itself from the human's grasp. Her grip tightened, eliciting a squeak of protest from the fish as she hauled it back to the surface of the dock, a slight hop to the movement of her steps as she shook the excess moisture from her face.
She stood upright, panting lightly as she wiped the wet strands of her fringe away from her brow, the heat of the midday sun already starting to dry her clothes.

"Well, well," called a cheerful voice from the deck of the ship anchored to the docks. "You are certainly quite the hunter today. I'll give you that." A chuckle rumbled from the old man's throat as he strode toward the girl, his grey beard moving in time with his lips.
"Chief Adaro." She regarded her adoptive father with a small smile, giving him a short nod in greeting. "I am just doing my part as any villager should."
The man, known to the people as Chief Adaro, grunted in amusement, his lined face crinkling into a grin. At first glance, you would not guess that this short and stocky old man could be any threat whatsoever. But he was strong and stubborn as a bull, not someone that anyone would want to get into a fight with.
He clapped his hand over her shoulder affectionately, his rough palm patting her left bicep as he looked over her catch. The creature writhed and jerked, its large gaping mouth snapping angrily at the air. "Now now, there's no need for that. You've done a fine job, Echo. A fine job indeed."

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