I wake up in the middle of the night, because of the crappy uncomfortable bed. I stood up and walked over to my backpack, I took out a box of those little white balls that explode when you throw them on the ground. I took a few then put a shirt on and walked out the door.
"Phoenix?" Mumbled Lelia, one of the people of whom I share a room with.
"Go to sleep" I said as I walked out of the room.
I walk down the halls of the orphanage until I get to the door of the headmaster, I throw the ball on the ground and it goes off, I throw another at the door then run back to my room.
I can heard her running down the halls. and she steps onto my room.
"Phoenix, last time buddy, next time you do this, I'm gunna watch you till you fall asleep. She said as she leftMorning
*Phoenix,please report to my office*
Everybody stops and stares at me, I quickly finish my breakfast and run out of the cafeteria to Mr Falcons office
"Phoenix, Last night was unacceptable" He said as I sat down
"Yes sir" I said trying to hide my smile
"Well, we have no choice to re- assign you to the high security orphanage in Ohio.
"I understand" I say
"Go pack your things, you leave at 11:30" he said
"Ok sir" I said as I ran to my room and pulled out my duffle bag and threw my stuff in there, including some food and money I stole another something that will come in handy.
"Phoenix,in the van now" Said Mr.Todd The driver
"Ok" I said as I hopped in the back. as he turned the van on I looked at the large windows. I put my hood up and grabbed my bag and looked out, I pushed on the door, won't budge, I see a sign coming up,Welcome to Ohio
"Perfect I say as I take my pistol and shoot the window out and roll out grab my bag and run.