chapter one

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let the world burn
chapter one
cat got your tongue?

「 ✦ PRINCESS ✦ 」

As I slump into my seat on the bus, I can't help but notice the guy a few rows ahead, juggling a coffee cup, a briefcase, and a very loud phone call. He's clearly frazzled, probably because our driver showed up twenty minutes late. I feel for him. Mornings like these are the worst.

As I watch him try to manage all his stuff, I think about how my own day's been a total train wreck so far. I woke up late, naturally. My alarm decided to betray me, going off way too late, so I had to rush through my morning routine. No time for breakfast or even a quick scroll through my feed. I nearly wiped out on my way out the door, tripping over my shirt in the hallway.

And then, just to put the cherry on top, I get to the bus stop only to find out our ride is behind schedule. Now it's 7:50 am, my class starts in ten minutes, and here I am, stuck on this bus, inching along at a snail's pace.

I try to distract myself by looking around. There's a teenager with neon hair and earbuds, probably zoning out to some heavy beats. A few seats over, an elderly woman is knitting something colorful and complex. I guess she's found a way to pass the time without stressing out. Lucky her.

The bus finally lurches forward again, but it feels like we're moving in slow motion. I check my phone for the millionth time. Still no new messages, but plenty of time ticking away. The thought of walking into class late, all eyes on me, makes my stomach churn.

The guy with the coffee finally manages to end his call, looking just as stressed as I feel. Our eyes meet for a second, and there's a mutual understanding there. Mondays, am I right?

I go back to staring out the window, watching the city blur by, hoping against hope that we'll somehow make it in time. Maybe I'll get lucky, and the professor will be late too. But for now, I'm just another passenger on this painfully slow bus, counting down the minutes and praying for a miracle.

A few more agonizing minutes crawl by before the bus finally pulls up to the campus stop. As soon as the doors creak open, I bolt out, barely muttering a 'thanks' to the driver. My feet hit the pavement, and I take off through the parking lot, dodging cars and students as I go.

My backpack bounces against my shoulders, and I can feel my heartbeat drumming in my ears. Just a few more minutes. Maybe I can make it without being too late.

Suddenly, I slam into something hard, nearly knocking the wind out of me. The impact jolts through my body, and I stumble back, struggling to regain my balance. As I look up, my eyes meet those of a tall guy standing ominously before me. His dark, intense eyes lock onto mine, assessing me in an instant, making me feel like I've been caught in a spotlight.

"Watch it," he mutters, his voice low and grating. He doesn't move an inch, his broad frame blocking my path entirely.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking," I mumble, trying to sidestep him. But there's something unsettling about him, something that sends a shiver down my spine and makes my skin prickle. His gaze feels heavy, almost predatory, as if he's sizing me up for something more than just a passing encounter.

As I try to brush past him, my eyes catch sight of a black van parked a few cars away. Six or seven men are gathered around it, smoking and chatting. Their rough appearance is out of place in a college parking lot, adding to my growing unease. They glance over in our direction, their gazes just as calculating and cold.

I glance back at the guy I collided with, feeling a cold sweat break out on my forehead. There's something about his stance, the way he watches me with an almost imperceptible smirk, that screams danger. My heart races, pounding in my chest like a warning drum.

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