chapter four

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let the world burn
chapter four
looks like we've reached our final phase

「 ✦ PRINCESS ✦ 」

I stare up at him, my breath hitching in my throat. I'm not sure if I should look away and end this intense staring contest or just hope he decides to move us back to the others quickly. But I can't move, too drawn in by his piercing gaze to look away.

He throws a quick glance at my lips, licking his own before taking a step back after a minute. "Let's keep moving. The others are waiting," he mutters, slightly pushing me forward. I gulp and nod, my heart pounding as I start walking.

Once we're inside the main hall, I quickly find a spot on the floor with my classmates, ignoring all the eyes zooming in on me. I quickly settle down, hoping to fade into the background before Gio decides to make me his target again. The other students, some I've barely even said "hey" to before, shift uncomfortably as Gio strides in. It's a relief to be away from his intense stare, even if it's just for a moment.

Gio makes his way over, his eyes scan us like he's sizing up a meal. Then, with a smirk, he breaks the tense silence with a lame joke. "Smile, ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a funeral." I resist the urge to roll my eyes. He's like a bully on a playground, only a lot scarier. "Well, not for some of you, anyway." He clicks his tongue.

"So, dying to know what phase two is?" he teases, his smirk daring us to say something back. "Well, it's another round of cooperation, folks." He says it like it's no big deal. "Whip out your phones, call your mommy and daddy, and let them know we're looking for some serious cash."

Gio takes a moment to look at our faces, taking in the way our breaths hitch, before continuing. "Or mommy and daddy can kiss their spoiled rats goodbye," he says with a smirk, raising a brow for emphasis. His men chuckle around him, but I can't find anything remotely amusing about his cruel joke.

He clears his throat, his expression growing serious once more, after he notices no one's moving. "I know you're all enjoying my company and want to stay here for a while longer, but I'd appreciate it if you could do as I say now." His tone is cold and authoritative.

Panic hits hard as everyone rushes to obey, grabbing their phones with shaking hands. Some cry, others can barely speak from fear. My throat feels dry, my heart pounding. I stay frozen, unsure who to call. Mom didn't pick up, Dad's nowhere to be found, and I've got no one else.

I sit there, hoping Gio and his men won't notice I'm not following orders. But just when i start to believe i've managed to slip under their radar, Domenico charges at me, gun gripped tight. "You think you're some kind of exception?!" he sneers, his voice rising. The gun inches closer to my face. "I'll kill you right here, right now!"

Just when I'm sure he's going to shoot me, the gun suddenly moves away. It's pushed into Domenico's ribs, making him stagger back in pain. Gio's in front of me now, glaring at Domenico with anger. "I said we didn't need more trouble!" Gio's voice is loud. "If you asked me first, you'd know she already called her parents. They're bringing the money!"

I stare up at Gio, surprised by his lie. Why would he lie for me? Before I can figure it out, Gio looks at me with the same anger he aimed at Domenico. "You're more trouble than you're worth, princess."

My eyes lock onto his, confusion and fear battling for dominance in my mind. Was it his lie about my parents and the money that threw me off, or the chilling comment he made? Gio shoots Domenico another glance. "Watch the others. I'll take care of this one," he commands, gesturing towards me.

Domenico gives me one last menacing glare before stalking away. Gio's grip on my arm tightens as he pulls me along, leading me far from the group, ensuring no one can overhear.

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