chapter three

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let the world burn
chapter three
you're a monster

「 ✦ MONSTER ✦ 」

I watch as her face falls even more when I lay out her options. The sheer terror in her eyes is almost intoxicating. Of course, I won't touch her—not unless she begs for it. For now, the reactions I can draw out of her are more than enough to satisfy me.

I take a step back, releasing her hair and watching as she breathes out in relief. Her shoulders relax slightly, but the fear in her eyes doesn't waver.

"Go on, show me the way," I mutter after a moment. She remains rooted to the spot, paralyzed by fear. My patience wears thin. "Move," I repeat, my voice sharp and commanding.

She flinches at my tone and finally starts to move, her steps hesitant and shaky. I follow closely behind her, the other hostages watching with wide eyes, their terror noticeable. Good. Let them see. Let them understand that I am in control.

We step out of the main hall, and she leads me down a dimly lit corridor. Her breathing is ragged, and I can almost feel the panic radiating off her. I relish in it, feeding off her fear. It gives me a sense of power, a reminder that I hold her fate in my hands.

"Keep moving," I order, and she quickens her pace slightly.

As we turn a corner, I lean in close again, whispering in her ear, "Remember, princess, any wrong move, and it won't just be you who suffers." She nods slowly, clearly understanding the gravity of the situation.

We finally reach the door to the school director's office. I step in front of her, pushing the door open and gesturing for her to enter first. She hesitates for a split second before stepping inside.

"Good girl," I say with a smirk, following her in.

Once inside the office, I stride purposefully towards the director's desk, my eyes fixed on the laptop resting there. With this, I can access every camera feed on campus—a vital tool now that the police are beginning to surround the building. They're finally realizing that this is no joke; lives are at stake.

As I sift through the director's belongings, my gaze flickers to the girl standing by the door. She hasn't moved since we entered the office, her eyes wide with fear. I chuckle under my breath. "You're allowed to move, you know," I mutter, my smirk growing wider. "I don't bite."

She gulps, her brows furrowing in uncertainty. I can practically see the wheels turning in her mind. "Oh, come on," I tease, taking a step closer. "It's just us here. Can you at least talk to me now?"

Her hesitation is noticeable, but there's a flicker of confrontation in her eyes. I find it oddly intriguing. "I promise I won't hurt you," I add, trying to sound reassuring. "Unless, of course, you give me a reason to."

I keep my eyes fixed on her, waiting for any sign of a response. When she remains silent, I let out a soft sigh, closing the distance between us with another step. "What's your name, princess?" I ask. "Unless you want me to keep calling you princess-"

Her gaze meets mine, her eyes wide and uncertain. I raise an eyebrow, silently urging her to answer. After a long moment of hesitation, she finally speaks, her voice barely above a whisper. "Aeri."

"Aeri," I repeat, testing the name on my tongue. It feels strangely right, like it was meant to be spoken by me alone. "Pretty," I murmur, a genuine smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I meet her gaze with raised eyebrows.

I exhale loudly before taking a casual step back, my demeanor oozing with confidence. "Aeri..." I begin, casually sinking into the director's chair as if I own the place. "I suppose I should offer some sort of apology for the little incident with your classmates, huh?" I scrunch up my nose in mock contemplation before casually wiping it with the back of my hand. "I mean, I get it. My men have their own... methods for dealing with stress, shall we say? But I suppose that was a bit... uncalled for."

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