Chapter | 1

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Devin's POV :

I walked into the living room smelling the fresh but sweet aroma of cookies surrounding me

She's making cookies again! I thought to myself rushing into the kitchen

"Mom I didn't know you were making cookies today!" I said brightly a bright smile on my face as I looked at her making them

"I thought today was a wonderful day for some cookies don't you agree honey" my mother said as I nodded quickly walking over tasting some of the dough

I always done that

"Anywho I'm gonna go get changed mom!" *I said rushing out upstairs to my room to get changed

I was so excited I got to get cookies today they were my favourite I also had to do a bit of shopping today as I was running out of clothes

You may be thinking Devin how do you run out of clothes?

Well some of them are either to big or to small for me so I'm going to get some just the right size for me!

I went to my wardrobe pulling out an outfit for today

I went to my wardrobe pulling out an outfit for today

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I decided on a simple dress today

Yes I know it's cold outside but I have nothing else to wear for today!

I do my makeup nicely but not to much since I hate foundation it feels weird in my opinion

I walked downstairs getting some cookies as they were now done baking

"Okay mom I'm gonna head out to the shops for a bit!" I said as she nodded

"Okay be safe and remember do not go on the other side of town" she said a sternness in her voice

"Okay mom I won't!" I said walking out of the house to the shops

I always wondered why I wasn't allowed to the other part of town she'd told me it for years and I'd never known why she said that she just did

There must be a reason behind it right? Like there must be a reason why I can't go there otherwise she wouldn't tell me I can't go there

I mean it only started 6 months ago where she said I couldn't go there I have no clue why she started that whole thing

I walked into a shop finding a pretty dress it's not really my theme since it was a sparkly black with some lace but I suppose it's always good to try new things right?

Yeah totally

Shut it!

I said to my subconscious walking to the counter the woman gave me a slightly funny look but I took it as her being kind and smiled widely

"Hii!" I said paying for the dress as she just rolls her eyes and nods as I slightly frowned but decided

I was not going to let her take a toll on my day as it was fun and I was having a good day just because she woke up on the wrong side of the bed doesn't mean I have to be put down to!

I walked out to the cafe getting my famous chocolate milkshake and whipped cream with chocolate sauce

I couldn't imagine a better milkshake then the one this cafe makes its just amazing!

I walked to the counter smiling

"One chocolate milkshake extra whipped cream and chocolate sauce please!" I said happily

The woman smiled in response going to make the milkshake before she comes back handing me it and I pay for it

"Have a nice day Joanne!" I said to her

Yes I knew her name I knew everyone's in this cafe as I visited so often I learned them

I walked down the street sipping my milkshake walking to my house

I entered my house smiling

"I got a chocolate milkshake mom!" I said proudly

"Wonderful honey!" She laughed at my excitement to the milkshake

And just like that the day was soon over and I was asleep in my bed.



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