Chapter | 2

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Enzo's POV :

I stormed through the doors of my mansion walking straight to my office

I'd heard one of my guards have been sharing information with another mafia

I really had better things to do then find a damn fucking mole in my mafia

But here I am walking to my office where the guard is stationed

I walked through the halls the other guards stationed in the corners shivering slightly as I brought a strong aura into the air

I like how they feared my presence I found entertainment in it

I kick my office door open storming over to the guard that was a mole pulling out my gun shooting him in the head

"Oi you two come clean this up" I point at the body now limp on the floor as I sat in my office chair the two guards obediently taking the dead body out

I leaned back in my office chair smoking a cigarette going through some emails before my phone starts calling

"What do you want son" I said to my youngest son Alex

"I have found a knife can I have it can I keep it dad?" Alex speaks as I rolled my eyes

"Whatever son" *I said simply as I heard a happy noise from the other side of the phone as I sighed rubbing my head

God these children her psychos

Just like me

I hung up as after a few seconds I abruptly get a call again but from my eldest Salvatore

"Yes Son" I said after answering

"Why does Alex have a knife and why is he running around threatening Jax with it?" He asked about the middle brother

"He called me asked if he could have the knife he found I said yes if he's chasing max with it go get it of him" I said annoyed

"Alright" he hung up as I finally got to answer some of the emails I had looked at but not answered

What? They can fucking wait

After answering emails for quite a bit I left my office seeing my son alex running away from jax and Salvatore who seem to be trying to get the knife he was holding

Damn there still going at it?

I grabbed my son by the ear stopping his from running taking the weapon swiftly out of his hand putting it in my pocket as he frowned

"Give that back!" He said

"No now get lost or I'll clip you on the ear" I smirked at his horrified face as he ran away Jax running with him my eldest Salvatore chuckling to himself

There fear of being clipped around the ear was highly amusing to me and him
Especially to him since he'd experienced it before

After a good while we all sat at the dinner table Alex suddenly speaks

"Do we still have no trace of Devin?" He asked as I shook my head

"I'm not sure boy we've got to go back to Italy this week so we don't have long to find her including the fact that we're mainly here for business" I said simply as he nodded

"We'll try find her but I can't guarantee we'll get her this time around son" I said as Jax and Salvatore huffed they really missed there sister

So did I

I missed my baby girl but I will always keep trying to find her

No matter what it takes I'll fine her and taker her to her rightful home

My mansion in Italy

I'll take what's mine

And I don't like to share



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