The elevator

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Lucy gets in the elevator and waits for the doors to close so she can lock it

T- w what are u doing
L-1 I have something important to tell u and 2 this doesn't change anything I'm still mad at you
She goes in for the hug and they melt into each other's arms for what feels like eternity

T- what did u have to tell me
L- ok idk if now's the best time so meet me at the food trucks where we had our first and second first date
T-ok this must really important than

She squeezes him a bit and says

L- it is but how are u with everything that's going
While they are still hugging
T- ok better now tho that ur here
They stay silent for a while until they get a call they unlock the elevator and when the doors open the find Nyla and Angela

A&N- what were y'all two doing in there 🤨

T&L- nothing we swear we were just talking

Lucy gets a call

L- ok Tim I gtg but I'll see u later does 8 sound good to you

T- yeah 8 is good be careful love y..


A&N- 😏

Should I make a part 2??

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