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Izuku: *lining up his shot* Hey, Seryu, do you think there's a limit to how good can get at this?

Seryu: *firing off rounds* Hmm, I don't think so. I believe that enough determination and practice, we can always strive for perfection. But it's important to remember that no one is perfect, and there will always be room for improvement.

Izuku: *nodding thoughtfully* That's true. I guess it's about pushing ourselves to be the best we can be, but also being realistic about our abilities.

Seryu: Exactly. We can always aim for perfection, but it's important to recognize our limits and not be too hard on ourselves if we fall short.

Izuku: *smiling* Thanks, Seryu. I'm glad we can support each other in our pursuit of excellence.

Seryu: *returning the smile* Of course, Izuku. We make a great team, both on and off the shooting range.

They continued to shoot for a while

After they finished the session, they rest on their couch

Izuku and Seryu are sitting on a cozy couch in Izuku's dorm room, wrapped in a soft blanket.

The room is dimly lit with fairy lights, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.

They are both smiling contently, enjoying each other's company as they cuddle closely.

Izuku rests his head on Seryu's shoulder, while she gently strokes his hair.

They talk softly about their day, sharing laughs and comforting each other.

The sound of rain pattering against the window adds to the peaceful ambiance, creating a perfect moment of tranquility the two friends.

As the rain continues to fall outside, Iz and Seryu's conversation slowly comes to a halt.

Their eyes meet, and a sense of longing and affection fills the air between them.

Without saying a word, Izuku leans in closer to Seryu, his heart racing with anticipation.

Seryu tilts her head up towards him, her eyes sparkling with emotion.

In that moment, time seems to stand still as their lips finally meet in a gentle, tender kiss.

The fairy lights cast a warm glow around them, illuminating their faces as they share this intimate moment.

The sound of the rain outside fades away, leaving only the soft, sweet melody of their connection.

As they pull away, both Izuku and Seryu are left breathless, their cheeks flushed with a newfound warmth.

They smile at each other, their hearts filled with happiness and a sense of belonging.

The rain continues to fall outside, but inside, in each other's arms, Izuku and Seryu have found their own little piece of paradise.

Izuku:I'm glad I have you by my side, Seryu.

Seryu:I'll always be with you.

They kissed again

End of trailer

In this story, Seryu is not a twisted mind

She's sweet and lovable

Seryu was bitten by the arms and Izuku had to cut her arms to stop her from transforming

Izuku Midoriya-Resident EvilWhere stories live. Discover now