Final Exam

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No one pov

Another year passed and Izuku got better

With the help of his Father, Mother and everyone else who support him, he overcome his past and returned to his Cinnamon Roll personality

Right now Izuku and Seryu got better

They are good friends and they do many things together

Izuku also meet Cathelene Bate AKA Star and Stripes

He didn't told her about All Might because he know how much she idolize him

Now Izuku and Seryu are training

In a spacious training room filled with the sound grunts and the shuffle of stand facing each other, their stances strong and determined

The air is charged with anticipation as they prepare to engage in hand-to-hand combat training

Izuku and Seryu were training together in a secluded field, the sun shining brightly overhead. Izuku was focused on perfecting his skills, while Seryu watched him with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

As Izuku performed a series of powerful punches, Seryu couldn't help but notice how strong determined he looked

She had never seen anyone work so hard to achieve their goals, and she found drawn to him in a she hadn't expected.

As the training session continued, Seryu found herself stealing glances at Izuku whenever she thought he wasn't looking

She admired his determination and his kind heart, and she couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards him

Finally, as the sun began to set and their training came to an end, Seryu mustered up the courage to approach Izuku

Seryu:Hey, um, Izuku

She said nervously, her cheeks flushed with color

Seryu:I just wanted to say...I think you're amazing. And I, uh, I really admire you.

Izuku turned to her, a surprised expression on his face

Izuku:Thank you, Seryu. I think you're pretty amazing too.

He replied with a smile

As they stood there in the fading light, a new connection blossomed between them

Seryu felt her crush on Izuku grow stronger, and she couldn't wait to see where their training sessions would take them next

Their instructor, a seasoned martial artist with a stern expression, watches from the sidelines, ready to offer guidance and corrections

He gives a nod, signaling the start of the spar

Izuku makes the first move, lunging forward with a swift jab, which Seryu expertly dodges before countering with a powerful roundhouse kick

Izuku blocks itering as he quickly retaliates with a series of rapid punches

Seryu effortlessly weaves through Izuku's strikes, her movements fluid and precise as she lands a solid elbow strike to his side

Izuku grunts in pain but quickly recovers, launching into a flurry of kicks and sweeps to keep Seryu on the defensive

The two fighters move with grace and agility, each anticipating the other's next move and adjusting their own strategy accordingly

Their determination is palpable as they push themselves to the limit, sweat dripping down their faces as they strive to become better combatants

As the spar comes to an end, both Izuku and Seryu are breathing heavily, their bodies covered in sweat and bruises

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