Seryu 16 Birthday

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Izuku and Seryu were working as a team, working tirelessly to protect their city from any threats that may arise

As Seryu's birthday approached, Izuku and the rest of the team wanted to do something special for her

They decided to throw her a surprise party, but they her birthday

Izuku: Hey guys, I was thinking we should plan a surprise party for Sery's birthday next week.

Chris : That's a great idea! We should totally do something special for her.

Burt: I think she'll really appreciate it. We just have to make sure she doesn't catch on to what're planning.

Izuku: Yeah, we should act like we have idea when her birthday is and be sneaky about it.

Elliot: Maybe we can pretend like we forgot about it completely until the last minute.

Jill: That could work. We need to keep it a secret from Seryu though, so let's be careful about it.

Seryu walks in and overhears their conversation.

Seryu: What's all this talk about my birthday?

Izuku: Oh, nothing! We were just talking about random stuff.

Seryu: Hmm, okay then. Well, I'll let you guys get back to your "random stuff."

The group looks at each other nervously.

Chris: Smooth, Izuku. Real smooth.

Izuku: Sorry, I panicked! We'll have to be more careful from now on.

They all agree to keep the surprise party a secret and start planning the details for Seryu's special day.

So, they all pretended like they were too busy with work to remember, even though secretly they were planning every detail of the party

On the day of Seryu's birthday, Izuku made sure to keep her distracted with a training exercise while the rest of the team set up the decorations and food for the party

As soon as Seryu returned to the base, everyone yelled "surprise!" and Seryu was completely shocked

Tears welled up in Seryu's eyes as she realized that her teammates had gone through so much trouble to make her feel special on her birthday

The rest of the evening was filled with laughter, cake, and presents as they celebrated Seryu and all she brought to the team

Everyone get Seryu a gift, guns or equipment

Izuku pulled out a medium gift-wrapped box from his pocket and handed it to Seryu with a smile

Izuku:Happy birthday, Seryu.

Seryu with excitement as she opened the gift

Inside was a beautiful green scarf, made of the softest material she had ever felt

It was the perfect shade of green, just like her favorite color

Seryu:Oh Izuku, this is perfect!

Seryu put the scarf around her neck, feeling the texture around her neck

Seryu:I love it so much, thank you!

Izuku grinned, happy to see how much Seryu loved her gift

Izuku I thought it would look great on you. And I wanted to give you something special from me on your special day.

Seryu hugged Izuku tightly, feeling grateful to have such a thoughtful boyfriend

Seryu couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky to have someone like Izuku in her life

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