Serial Lover.

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"Megan." Beyoncé tried to speak but she was cut off.

"Wait Beyoncé, before you say anything. If I'm completely reading this situation wrong I understand and I'm going to be so embarrassed." Megan had to rush it out.

"But Megan, I like you too and I just didn't know how to say it to you." Beyoncé said as she lowered her head into her lap. "Megan for years.. I've had a crush on you and this year when keri put us together I didn't know how long I was going to hold this in."

"Are you serious Beyoncé?"

"Yes Megan. I held it in so long because I know how you do girls I just couldn't be one of them."

"You're not them, you give me such a healing feeling Beyoncé, just this short time of being with you was so comforting and I literally would love to have that forever."

"Megan." Beyoncé said as she stared deeply in her eyes.


"I would like to move forward with this if you'd wish to, but Megan do not hurt me."

"I would like to Beyoncé, and I will not hurt you I promise." It was silent as they just stared at each other until Beyoncé broke the silence.

"Now can I do something, I've been wanting to do for a while." Beyoncé said while releasing a deep breath.


Beyoncé moved closer to the table to grab Megan's face and kiss her. "Wow you should've been done that, your lips are as soft as they look." Megan grinned.

"Thank you for today Megan, I appreciate everything. We do have school in the morning though so let's get out of here."

"You gonna stay at my house? I'll take you by your house to grab clothes."

"So you just want me there 24/7."

"Basically Beyoncé."

They agreed on the idea and waited for the check, Megan paid then they made their way to Beyonce's house then back to Megan's house where they ended their night laying in bed together watching movies.

Monday 7:00AM

Waking up in Megan's bed was truly amazing, I'd woken up a couple minutes before her alarm went off. I laid there just looking at her, mesmerizing her face as she slept. I was interrupted by the loud alarm causing her to wake up.

"Good morning." I told her as she began to open her eyes.

"Good morning, I could definitely get used to this."

I laughed and told her i was going to get in the shower and get ready for school. She decided to sleep a little longer until I got out the shower and did the same.

"What we gonna eat?" I heard her say as she walked back into her room in her towel.

"Uh whatever you feel like eating." I responded back to her eyeing her up and down.

"Okay, we can just get Dunkin'."

"That's fine."

"Hey can I ask you something?" She said while facing her closet grabbing clothes.

"Go ahead." I told her not being sure what it was about.

"So remember a week ago, you seen me in Dunkin' and you were with a guy.. who was he?"

"My little brother Bacari , we don't see each other a lot so whenever we find time we spend it together."

"Oh okay. So do you have any other siblings?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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