in the beginning: my cosmos met different cosmoses in a wide expanse of infinite galaxies. I was once a star that collided with other stars. We made constellations and various zodiac signs. We packed our bags of aspirations and dreams, collecting stardust from each other, traveling from one galaxy to another, one planet to another. We made a pact to stay together forever amidst different collisions, explosions, and changes. However, my cosmos hovered and got caught in a black hole - the hands of my other planets let go of me as if I was never part of their galaxy. Comets struck, lightning flashed, and my cosmos was cut and thrown to the edge of celestial darkness.
in conclusion: in every cosmos, comets arrive. Like in this universe, in our short lifetime, people come for us to experience life - to make memories, learn lessons, and discover more about ourselves. Then these people, like friends, go - leaving us with stardust from themselves, footprints of their lives, and photos to look back on someday. Every person is a comet, and I hope when they strike again, some would willingly spend a light-year of celestial exploration and friendship.
The Cosmic Overdrive: an every person is a comet anthology
Poetryshooting stars and supernovas collided - lightning stroke once again. this is the anthology and extended version of the poetry collection entitled: every person is a comet.